Articles | Volume 18, issue 16
Research article
16 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 16 Aug 2018

Production of N2O5 and ClNO2 in summer in urban Beijing, China

Wei Zhou, Jian Zhao, Bin Ouyang, Archit Mehra, Weiqi Xu, Yuying Wang, Thomas J. Bannan, Stephen D. Worrall, Michael Priestley, Asan Bacak, Qi Chen, Conghui Xie, Qingqing Wang, Junfeng Wang, Wei Du, Yingjie Zhang, Xinlei Ge, Penglin Ye, James D. Lee, Pingqing Fu, Zifa Wang, Douglas Worsnop, Roderic Jones, Carl J. Percival, Hugh Coe, and Yele Sun

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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

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Bannan, T. J., Booth, A. M., Bacak, A., Muller, J. B. A., Leather, K. E., Le Breton, M., Jones, B., Young, D., Coe, H., Allan, J., Visser, S., Slowik, J. G., Furger, M., Prévôt, A. S. H., Lee, J., Dunmore, R. E., Hopkins, J. R., Hamilton, J. F., Lewis, A. C., Whalley, L. K., Sharp, T., Stone, D., Heard, D. E., Fleming, Z. L., Leigh, R., Shallcross, D. E., and Percival, A. C. J.: The first UK measurements of nitryl chloride using a chemical ionization mass spectrometer in central London in the summer of 2012, and an investigation of the role of Cl atom oxidation, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 120, 5638–5657,, 2015. 
Bannan, T. J., Bacak, A., Le Breton, M., Flynn, M., Ouyang, B., McLeod, M., Jones, R., Malkin, T. L., Whalley, L. K., Heard, D. E., Bandy, B., Khan, M. A. H., Shallcross, D. E., and Percival, C. J.: Ground and Airborne U.K. Measurements of Nitryl Chloride: An Investigation of the Role of Cl Atom Oxidation at Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 122, 11154–11165,, 2017. 
Short summary
We present measurements of gas-phase N2O5 and ClNO2 by ToF-CIMS during summer in urban Beijing as part of the APHH campaign. High reactivity of N2O5 indicative of active nocturnal chemistry was observed. The lifetime of N2O5 as a function of aerosol surface area and relative humidity was characterized, and N2O5 uptake coefficients were estimated. We also found that the N2O5 loss in this study is mainly attributed to its indirect loss via reactions of NO3 with VOCs and NO.
Final-revised paper