Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
30 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 30 Jun 2020

Strong anthropogenic control of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in Beijing

Daniel J. Bryant, William J. Dixon, James R. Hopkins, Rachel E. Dunmore, Kelly L. Pereira, Marvin Shaw, Freya A. Squires, Thomas J. Bannan, Archit Mehra, Stephen D. Worrall, Asan Bacak, Hugh Coe, Carl J. Percival, Lisa K. Whalley, Dwayne E. Heard, Eloise J. Slater, Bin Ouyang, Tianqu Cui, Jason D. Surratt, Di Liu, Zongbo Shi, Roy Harrison, Yele Sun, Weiqi Xu, Alastair C. Lewis, James D. Lee, Andrew R. Rickard, and Jacqueline F. Hamilton

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Bannan, T. J., Le Breton, M., Priestley, M., Worrall, S. D., Bacak, A., Marsden, N. A., Mehra, A., Hammes, J., Hallquist, M., Alfarra, M. R., Krieger, U. K., Reid, J. P., Jayne, J., Robinson, W., McFiggans, G., Coe, H., Percival, C. J., and Topping, D.: A method for extracting calibrated volatility information from the FIGAERO-HR-ToF-CIMS and its experimental application, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1429–1439,, 2019. 
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Short summary
Using the chemical composition of offline filter samples, we report that a large share of oxidized organic aerosol in Beijing during summer is due to isoprene secondary organic aerosol (iSOA). iSOA organosulfates showed a strong correlation with the product of ozone and particulate sulfate. This highlights the role of both photochemistry and the availability of particulate sulfate in heterogeneous reactions and further demonstrates that iSOA formation is controlled by anthropogenic emissions.
Final-revised paper