Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Research article
19 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 19 Apr 2016

Introduction: Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5)

S. T. Martin, P. Artaxo, L. A. T. Machado, A. O. Manzi, R. A. F. Souza, C. Schumacher, J. Wang, M. O. Andreae, H. M. J. Barbosa, J. Fan, G. Fisch, A. H. Goldstein, A. Guenther, J. L. Jimenez, U. Pöschl, M. A. Silva Dias, J. N. Smith, and M. Wendisch

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Alcântara, C. R., Silva Dias, M. A. F., Souza, E. P., and Cohen, J. C. P.: Verification of the role of the low level jets in Amazon squall lines, Atmos. Res., 100, 36–44, 2011.
Altaratz, O., Koren, I., Yair, Y., and Price, C.: Lightning response to smoke from Amazonian fires, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L07801,, 2010.
Andreae, M. O.: Aerosols before pollution, Science, 315, 50–51, 2007.
Short summary
The Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon2014/5) Experiment took place in central Amazonia throughout 2014 and 2015. The experiment focused on the complex links among vegetation, atmospheric chemistry, and aerosol production on the one hand and their connections to aerosols, clouds, and precipitation on the other, especially when altered by urban pollution. This article serves as an introduction to the special issue of publications presenting findings of this experiment.
Final-revised paper