Articles | Volume 19, issue 8
Research article
30 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2019

High efficiency of livestock ammonia emission controls in alleviating particulate nitrate during a severe winter haze episode in northern China

Zhenying Xu, Mingxu Liu, Minsi Zhang, Yu Song, Shuxiao Wang, Lin Zhang, Tingting Xu, Tiantian Wang, Caiqing Yan, Tian Zhou, Yele Sun, Yuepeng Pan, Min Hu, Mei Zheng, and Tong Zhu

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Why is the Indo-Gangetic Plain the region with the largest NH3 column in the globe during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons?
Tiantian Wang, Yu Song, Zhenying Xu, Mingxu Liu, Tingting Xu, Wenling Liao, Lifei Yin, Xuhui Cai, Ling Kang, Hongsheng Zhang, and Tong Zhu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 8727–8736,,, 2020
Short summary
Estimation of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in China using WRF–CLM–MEGAN coupled model
Lifei Yin, Zhenying Xu, Mingxu Liu, Tingting Xu, Tiantian Wang, Wenling Liao, Mengmeng Li, Xuhui Cai, Ling Kang, Hongsheng Zhang, and Yu Song
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2020
Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Related subject area

Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
Diverging trends in aerosol sulfate and nitrate measured in the remote North Atlantic in Barbados are attributed to clean air policies, African smoke, and anthropogenic emissions
Cassandra J. Gaston, Joseph M. Prospero, Kristen Foley, Havala O. T. Pye, Lillian Custals, Edmund Blades, Peter Sealy, and James A. Christie
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8049–8066,,, 2024
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Diverse sources and aging change the mixing state and ice nucleation properties of aerosol particles over the western Pacific and Southern Ocean
Jiao Xue, Tian Zhang, Keyhong Park, Jinpei Yan, Young Jun Yoon, Jiyeon Park, and Bingbing Wang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7731–7754,,, 2024
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The water-insoluble organic carbon in PM2.5 of typical Chinese urban areas: light-absorbing properties, potential sources, radiative forcing effects, and a possible light-absorbing continuum
Yangzhi Mo, Jun Li, Guangcai Zhong, Sanyuan Zhu, Shizhen Zhao, Jiao Tang, Hongxing Jiang, Zhineng Cheng, Chongguo Tian, Yingjun Chen, and Gan Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7755–7772,,, 2024
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Measurement report: Size-resolved secondary organic aerosol formation modulated by aerosol water uptake in wintertime haze
Jing Duan, Ru-Jin Huang, Ying Wang, Wei Xu, Haobin Zhong, Chunshui Lin, Wei Huang, Yifang Gu, Jurgita Ovadnevaite, Darius Ceburnis, and Colin O'Dowd
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7687–7698,,, 2024
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In situ measurement of organic aerosol molecular markers in urban Hong Kong during a summer period: temporal variations and source apportionment
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7085–7100,,, 2024
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Final-revised paper