Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
15 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 15 Jun 2017

How the OH reactivity affects the ozone production efficiency: case studies in Beijing and Heshan, China

Yudong Yang, Min Shao, Stephan Keßel, Yue Li, Keding Lu, Sihua Lu, Jonathan Williams, Yuanhang Zhang, Liming Zeng, Anke C. Nölscher, Yusheng Wu, Xuemei Wang, and Junyu Zheng

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Chou, C. C.-K., Tsai, C.-Y., Chang, C.-C., Lin, P.-H., Liu, S. C., and Zhu, T.: Photochemical production of ozone in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 9825–9837,, 2011.
Short summary
Total OH reactivity is an important parameter to evaluate understanding of atmospheric chemistry, especially the VOC contribution to air pollution. Measured by comparative reactivity methods, total OH reactivity in Beijing and Heshan revealed significant differences between measured and calculated results, such as missing reactivity, which were related to unmeasured primary or secondary species. This missing reactivity would introduce a 21–30 % underestimation for ozone production efficiency.
Final-revised paper