Articles | Volume 22, issue 22
Research article
22 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 22 Nov 2022

Formation and impacts of nitryl chloride in Pearl River Delta

Haichao Wang, Bin Yuan, E Zheng, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jie Wang, Keding Lu, Chenshuo Ye, Lei Yang, Shan Huang, Weiwei Hu, Suxia Yang, Yuwen Peng, Jipeng Qi, Sihang Wang, Xianjun He, Yubin Chen, Tiange Li, Wenjie Wang, Yibo Huangfu, Xiaobing Li, Mingfu Cai, Xuemei Wang, and Min Shao

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Short summary
We present intensive field measurement of ClNO2 in the Pearl River Delta in 2019. Large variation in the level, formation, and atmospheric impacts of ClNO2 was found in different air masses. ClNO2 formation was limited by the particulate chloride (Cl) and aerosol surface area. Our results reveal that Cl originated from various anthropogenic emissions rather than sea sources and show minor contribution to the O3 pollution and photochemistry.
Final-revised paper