Articles | Volume 20, issue 7
Research article
16 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 16 Apr 2020

Ozone pollution over China and India: seasonality and sources

Meng Gao, Jinhui Gao, Bin Zhu, Rajesh Kumar, Xiao Lu, Shaojie Song, Yuzhong Zhang, Beixi Jia, Peng Wang, Gufran Beig, Jianlin Hu, Qi Ying, Hongliang Zhang, Peter Sherman, and Michael B. McElroy

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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cheng, N., Li, Y., Zhang, D., Chen, T., Sun, F., Chen, C., and Meng, F.: Characteristics of Ground Ozone Concentration over Beijing from 2004 to 2015: Trends, Transport, and Effects of Reductions, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,, 2016. 
Short summary
A regional fully coupled meteorology–chemistry model, Weather Research and Forecasting model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem), was employed to study the seasonality of ozone (O3) pollution and its sources in both China and India.
Final-revised paper