Articles | Volume 16, issue 21
Research article
11 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 11 Nov 2016

Seasonal variability of stratospheric methane: implications for constraining tropospheric methane budgets using total column observations

Katherine M. Saad, Debra Wunch, Nicholas M. Deutscher, David W. T. Griffith, Frank Hase, Martine De Mazière, Justus Notholt, David F. Pollard, Coleen M. Roehl, Matthias Schneider, Ralf Sussmann, Thorsten Warneke, and Paul O. Wennberg

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 14091–14105,,, 2016
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Derivation of tropospheric methane from TCCON CH4 and HF total column observations
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Short summary
Current approaches to constrain the global methane budget assimilate total column measurements into models, but model biases can impact results. We use tropospheric methane columns to evaluate model transport errors and identify a seasonal time lag in the Northern Hemisphere troposphere masked by stratospheric compensating effects. We find systematic biases in the stratosphere will alias into model-derived emissions estimates, especially those in the high Northern latitudes that vary seasonally.
Final-revised paper