Articles | Volume 19, issue 19
Research article
01 Oct 2019
Research article |  | 01 Oct 2019

Laboratory study of the heterogeneous ice nucleation on black-carbon-containing aerosol

Leonid Nichman, Martin Wolf, Paul Davidovits, Timothy B. Onasch, Yue Zhang, Doug R. Worsnop, Janarjan Bhandari, Claudio Mazzoleni, and Daniel J. Cziczo

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Cited articles

Arora, P. and Jain, S.: Morphological characteristics of particles emitted from combustion of different fuels in improved and traditional cookstoves, J. Aerosol Sci., 82, 13–23,, 2015. 
ASTM: ASTM D2414-17, Standard Test Method for Carbon Black–Oil Absorption Number (OAN), ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, available at:, last access: 1 December 2017. 
Bampoulis, P., Teernstra, V. J., Lohse, D., Zandvliet, H. J. W., and Poelsema, B.: Hydrophobic ice confined between graphene and MoS2, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 27079–27084,, 2016. 
Bhandari, J., China, S., Onasch, T., Wolff, L., Lambe, A., Davidovits, P., Cross, E., Ahern, A., Olfert, J., Dubey, M., and Mazzoleni, C.: Effect of Thermodenuding on the Structure of Nascent Flame Soot Aggregates, Atmos., 8, 166,, 2017. 
Bi, Y., Cao, B., and Li, T.: Enhanced heterogeneous ice nucleation by special surface geometry, Nat. Commun., 8, 15372,, 2017. 
Short summary
Previous studies showed widespread ice nucleation activity of soot. In this systematic study we investigated the factors that affect the heterogeneous ice nucleation activity of soot surrogates in the cirrus cloud regime. Our observations are consistent with an ice nucleation mechanism of pore condensation followed by freezing. The results show significant variations in ice nucleation activity as a function of size, morphology, and surface chemistry of the black-carbon-containing particles.
Final-revised paper