Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
16 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2015

Trends of ozone total columns and vertical distribution from FTIR observations at eight NDACC stations around the globe

C. Vigouroux, T. Blumenstock, M. Coffey, Q. Errera, O. García, N. B. Jones, J. W. Hannigan, F. Hase, B. Liley, E. Mahieu, J. Mellqvist, J. Notholt, M. Palm, G. Persson, M. Schneider, C. Servais, D. Smale, L. Thölix, and M. De Mazière

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Global decadal measurements of methanol, ethene, ethyne, and HCN from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
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Constraining the budget of NOx and VOCs at a remote Tropical island using multi-platform observations and WRF-Chem model simulations
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EGUsphere,,, 2025
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Global Ground-based Tropospheric Ozone Measurements: Reference Data and Individual Site Trends (2000–2022) from the TOAR-II/HEGIFTOM Project
Roeland Van Malderen, Anne M. Thompson, Debra E. Kollonige, Ryan M. Stauffer, Herman G. J. Smit, Eliane Maillard Barras, Corinne Vigouroux, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Thierry Leblanc, Valérie Thouret, Pawel Wolff, Peter Effertz, David W. Tarasick, Deniz Poyraz, Gérard Ancellet, Marie-Renée De Backer, Stéphanie Evan, Victoria Flood, Matthias M. Frey, James W. Hannigan, José L. Hernandez, Marco Iarlori, Bryan J. Johnson, Nicholas Jones, Rigel Kivi, Emmanuel Mahieu, Glen McConville, Katrin Müller, Tomoo Nagahama, Justus Notholt, Ankie Piters, Natalia Prats, Richard Querel, Dan Smale, Wolfgang Steinbrecht, Kimberly Strong, and Ralf Sussmann
EGUsphere,,, 2025
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Ground-based Tropospheric Ozone Measurements: Regional tropospheric ozone column trends from the TOAR-II/ HEGIFTOM homogenized datasets
Roeland Van Malderen, Zhou Zang, Kai-Lan Chang, Robin Björklund, Owen R. Cooper, Jane Liu, Eliane Maillard Barras, Corinne Vigouroux, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Thierry Leblanc, Valérie Thouret, Pawel Wolff, Peter Effertz, Audrey Gaudel, David W. Tarasick, Herman G. J. Smit, Anne M. Thompson, Ryan M. Stauffer, Debra E. Kollonige, Deniz Poyraz, Gérard Ancellet, Marie-Renée De Backer, Matthias M. Frey, James W. Hannigan, José L. Hernandez, Bryan J. Johnson, Nicholas Jones, Rigel Kivi, Emmanuel Mahieu, Isamu Morino, Glen McConville, Katrin Müller, Isao Murata, Justus Notholt, Ankie Piters, Maxime Prignon, Richard Querel, Vincenzo Rizi, Dan Smale, Wolfgang Steinbrecht, Kimberly Strong, and Ralf Sussmann
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
Satellite nadir-viewing geometry affects the magnitude and detectability of long-term trends in stratospheric ozone
Louis Rivoire, Marianna Linz, Jessica L. Neu, Pu Lin, and Michelle L. Santee
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 2269–2289,,, 2025
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Emissions of methane from coal fields, thermal power plants, and wetlands and their implications for atmospheric methane across the south Asian region
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12843–12859,,, 2024
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Ozone anomalies over the polar regions during stratospheric warming events
Guochun Shi, Witali Krochin, Eric Sauvageat, and Gunter Stober
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10187–10207,,, 2024
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No severe ozone depletion in the tropical stratosphere in recent decades
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The Antarctic stratospheric nitrogen hole: Southern Hemisphere and Antarctic springtime total nitrogen dioxide and total ozone variability as observed by Sentinel-5p TROPOMI
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Cited articles

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Final-revised paper