Articles | Volume 14, issue 17
Research article
09 Sep 2014
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2014

Global data set of biogenic VOC emissions calculated by the MEGAN model over the last 30 years

K. Sindelarova, C. Granier, I. Bouarar, A. Guenther, S. Tilmes, T. Stavrakou, J.-F. Müller, U. Kuhn, P. Stefani, and W. Knorr

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Global biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the ORCHIDEE and MEGAN models and sensitivity to key parameters
Palmira Messina, Juliette Lathière, Katerina Sindelarova, Nicolas Vuichard, Claire Granier, Josefine Ghattas, Anne Cozic, and Didier A. Hauglustaine
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Nine years of global hydrocarbon emissions based on source inversion of OMI formaldehyde observations
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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