Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
23 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2016

Seasonality of isoprenoid emissions from a primary rainforest in central Amazonia

Eliane G. Alves, Kolby Jardine, Julio Tota, Angela Jardine, Ana Maria Yãnez-Serrano, Thomas Karl, Julia Tavares, Bruce Nelson, Dasa Gu, Trissevgeni Stavrakou, Scot Martin, Paulo Artaxo, Antonio Manzi, and Alex Guenther

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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

Ahlm, L., Nilsson, E. D., Krejci, R., Mårtensson, E. M., Vogt, M., and Artaxo, P.: A comparison of dry and wet season aerosol number fluxes over the Amazon rain forest, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 3063–3079,, 2010.
Alves, E. G., Harley, P., Gonçalves, J. F. D. C., Eduardo, C., and Jardine, K.: Effects of light and temperature on isoprene emission at different leaf developmental stages of Eschweilera coriacea in central Amazon, Acta Amazonica, 44, 9–18,, 2014.
Aquino, C. A. B.: Identificação de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (COVs) emitidos por Florestas na região Amazônica, MS thesis. Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá-MT, Brazil, 106 pp., 2006 (in Portuguese).
Araujo, A. C., Nobre, A. D., Kruijt, B., Elbers, J. A., Dallarosa, R., Stefani, P., von Randow, C., Manzi, A. O., Culf, A. D., Gash, J. H. C., Valentini, R., Kabat, P., and Araújo, A. C.: Comparative measurements of carbon dioxide fluxes from two nearby towers in a central Amazonian rainforest: The Manaus LBA site, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 8090,, 2002.
Short summary
For a long time, it was thought that tropical rainforests are evergreen forests and the processes involved in these ecosystems do not change all year long. However, some satellite retrievals have suggested that ecophysiological processes may present seasonal variations mainly due to variation in light and leaf phenology in Amazonia. These in situ measurements are the first showing of a seasonal trend of volatile organic compound emissions, correlating with light and leaf phenology in Amazonia.
Final-revised paper