Articles | Volume 21, issue 24
Research article
16 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 16 Dec 2021

Is the ocean surface a source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the marine boundary layer?

Leigh R. Crilley, Louisa J. Kramer, Francis D. Pope, Chris Reed, James D. Lee, Lucy J. Carpenter, Lloyd D. J. Hollis, Stephen M. Ball, and William J. Bloss

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Preprint withdrawn
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Bloss, W. J., Evans, M. J., Lee, J. D., Sommariva, R., Heard, D. E., and Pilling, M. J.: The oxidative capacity of the troposphere: Coupling of field measurements of OH and a global chemistry transport model, Faraday Discuss., 130, 425–436,, 2005. 
Carslaw, D. C. and Ropkins, K.: openair – An R package for air quality data analysis, Environ. Modell. Softw., 27–28, 52–61,, 2012. 
Short summary
Nitrous acid (HONO) is a key source of atmospheric oxidants. We evaluate if the ocean surface is a source of HONO for the marine boundary layer, using measurements from two contrasting coastal locations. We observed no evidence for a night-time ocean surface source, in contrast to previous work. This points to significant geographical variation in the predominant HONO formation mechanisms in marine environments, reflecting possible variability in the sea-surface microlayer composition.
Final-revised paper