Articles | Volume 21, issue 20
Research article
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19 Oct 2021
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 19 Oct 2021

Self-consistent global transport of metallic ions with WACCM-X

Jianfei Wu, Wuhu Feng, Han-Li Liu, Xianghui Xue, Daniel Robert Marsh, and John Maurice Campbell Plane

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The impact of quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) disruptions on diurnal tides over the low- and mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region observed by a meteor radar chain
Jianyuan Wang, Na Li, Wen Yi, Xianghui Xue, Iain M. Reid, Jianfei Wu, Hailun Ye, Jian Li, Zonghua Ding, Jinsong Chen, Guozhu Li, Yaoyu Tian, Boyuan Chang, Jiajing Wu, and Lei Zhao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13299–13315,,, 2024
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Effects of nonmigrating diurnal tides on the Na layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12133–12141,,, 2024
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Ionospheric irregularity reconstruction using multisource data fusion via deep learning
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Multistatic meteor radar observations of two-dimensional horizontal MLT wind
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Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2022
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Interhemispheric transport of metallic ions within ionospheric sporadic E layers by the lower thermospheric meridional circulation
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 4219–4230,,, 2021
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Related subject area

Subject: Dynamics | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Mesosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
Effects of nonmigrating diurnal tides on the Na layer in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Jianfei Wu, Wuhu Feng, Xianghui Xue, Daniel Robert Marsh, and John Maurice Campbell Plane
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12133–12141,,, 2024
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Observation and simulation of neutral air density in the middle atmosphere during the 2021 sudden stratospheric warming event
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Studies on the propagation dynamics and source mechanism of quasi-monochromatic gravity waves observed over São Martinho da Serra (29° S, 53° W), Brazil
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Metal layers occur in the MLT region (80–120 km) from the ablation of cosmic dust. The latest lidar observations show these metals can reach a height approaching 200 km, which is challenging to explain. We have developed the first global simulation incorporating the full life cycle of metal atoms and ions. The model results compare well with lidar and satellite observations of the seasonal and diurnal variation of the metals and demonstrate the importance of ion mass and ion-neutral coupling.
Final-revised paper