Articles | Volume 24, issue 2
Research article
24 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2024

Aircraft-based mass balance estimate of methane emissions from offshore gas facilities in the southern North Sea

Magdalena Pühl, Anke Roiger, Alina Fiehn, Alan M. Gorchov Negron, Eric A. Kort, Stefan Schwietzke, Ignacio Pisso, Amy Foulds, James Lee, James L. France, Anna E. Jones, Dave Lowry, Rebecca E. Fisher, Langwen Huang, Jacob Shaw, Prudence Bateson, Stephen Andrews, Stuart Young, Pamela Dominutti, Tom Lachlan-Cope, Alexandra Weiss, and Grant Allen

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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European Commission, United States of America: Global Methane Pledge, Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), (last access: 30 November 2022), 2021. 
Short summary
In April–May 2019 we carried out an airborne field campaign in the southern North Sea with the aim of studying methane emissions of offshore gas installations. We determined methane emissions from elevated methane measured downstream of the sampled installations. We compare our measured methane emissions with estimated methane emissions from national and global annual inventories. As a result, we find inconsistencies of inventories and large discrepancies between measurements and inventories.
Final-revised paper