Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
29 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2019

Long-term simulation of the boundary layer flow over the double-ridge site during the Perdigão 2017 field campaign

Johannes Wagner, Thomas Gerz, Norman Wildmann, and Kira Gramitzky

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Preprint retracted
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Subject: Dynamics | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Short summary
Long-term WRF-LES simulations were performed with a horizontal resolution of 200 m for a period of 49 days during the Perdigão campaign. Simulation results were used to characterize the meteorological conditions and to analyse characteristic flow patterns. It could be shown that thermally driven flows including low-level jets frequently occurred during the observation period. Model results were in very good agreement with observations in spite of the long simulation time.
Final-revised paper