Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
08 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 08 Aug 2016

Oxidative capacity and radical chemistry in the polluted atmosphere of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta region: analysis of a severe photochemical smog episode

Likun Xue, Rongrong Gu, Tao Wang, Xinfeng Wang, Sandra Saunders, Donald Blake, Peter K. K. Louie, Connie W. Y. Luk, Isobel Simpson, Zheng Xu, Zhe Wang, Yuan Gao, Shuncheng Lee, Abdelwahid Mellouki, and Wenxing Wang

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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The chemical budgets and principal sources of ROx and NO3 radicals during a multi-day photochemical smog episode in Hong Kong are elucidated by an observation-constrained MCM model. NO3 was shown to be an important oxidant even during daytime in a pollution case when high aerosol loading attenuated the solar irradiation. This study suggests the potential important role of daytime NO3 chemistry in polluted atmospheres under conditions with the co-existence of abundant O3, NO2, VOCs, and aerosols.
Final-revised paper