Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Research article
26 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2016

Seasonal variability and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the Paris megacity (France)

Alexia Baudic, Valérie Gros, Stéphane Sauvage, Nadine Locoge, Olivier Sanchez, Roland Sarda-Estève, Cerise Kalogridis, Jean-Eudes Petit, Nicolas Bonnaire, Dominique Baisnée, Olivier Favez, Alexandre Albinet, Jean Sciare, and Bernard Bonsang

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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2077–2091,,, 2017
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Exploiting stagnant conditions to derive robust emission ratio estimates for CO2, CO and volatile organic compounds in Paris
Lamia Ammoura, Irène Xueref-Remy, Felix Vogel, Valérie Gros, Alexia Baudic, Bernard Bonsang, Marc Delmotte, Yao Té, and Frédéric Chevallier
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 15653–15664,,, 2016
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Atmospheric measurements of ratios between CO2 and co-emitted species from traffic: a tunnel study in the Paris megacity
L. Ammoura, I. Xueref-Remy, V. Gros, A. Baudic, B. Bonsang, J.-E. Petit, O. Perrussel, N. Bonnaire, J. Sciare, and F. Chevallier
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12871–12882,,, 2014
Short summary

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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

Airparif: Origine des particules respirées en Île-de-France, Press Pack, available at: (last access: September 2016), 2011.
Airparif: Evolution de la qualité de l'air à Paris entre 2002 et 2012, available at: (last access: September 2016), 2013.
Airparif: Surveillance et information sur la qualité de l'air en Île-de-France en 2014, available at: (last access: September 2016), 2015.
Ammoura, L., Xueref-Remy, I., Gros, V., Baudic, A., Bonsang, B., Petit, J.-E., Perrussel, O., Bonnaire, N., Sciare, J., and Chevallier, F.: Atmospheric measurements of ratios between CO2 and co-emitted species from traffic: a tunnel study in the Paris megacity, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12871–12882,, 2014.

The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
This article presents ambient air VOC measurements performed in Paris during the MEGAPOLI and FRANCIPOL campaigns (2010). For the first time, we report (O)VOC concentration levels, their temporal variations and their main emission sources. The originality of this study stands in using near-field observations to help strengthen the identification of apportioned sources derived from PMF. An important finding of this work is the high contribution of the wood burning source (50 %) in winter.
Final-revised paper