Articles | Volume 17, issue 24
Research article
19 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2017

Long-range transport of stratospheric aerosols in the Southern Hemisphere following the 2015 Calbuco eruption

Nelson Bègue, Damien Vignelles, Gwenaël Berthet, Thierry Portafaix, Guillaume Payen, Fabrice Jégou, Hassan Benchérif, Julien Jumelet, Jean-Paul Vernier, Thibaut Lurton, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Lieven Clarisse, Vincent Duverger, Françoise Posny, Jean-Marc Metzger, and Sophie Godin-Beekmann

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Michaël Sicard, Alexandre Baron, Marion Ranaivombola, Dominique Gantois, Tristan Millet, Pasquale Sellitto, Nelson Bègue, Hassan Bencherif, Guillaume Payen, Nicolas Marquestaut, and Valentin Duflot
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Multiwavelength aerosol lidars at the Maïdo supersite, Réunion Island, France: instrument description, data processing chain, and quality assessment
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Multi-instrumental analysis of ozone vertical profiles and total columns in South America: comparison between subtropical and equatorial latitudes
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Bencherif, H., Portafaix, T., Baray, J. L., Morel, B., Baldy, S., Leveau and J., and Diab, R.: LIDAR observations of lower stratospheric aerosols over South Africa linked to large scale transport across the southern subtropical barrier, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 65, 707–715, 2003.
Short summary
The space–time evolutions of the Calbuco plume are investigated by combining satellite, in situ aerosol counting and lidar observations, and a numerical model. All the data at Reunion Island reveal a twofold increase in the amount of aerosol with respect to the values observed before the eruption. The dynamic context has favored the spread of the plume exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere. This study highlights the role played by dynamical barriers in the transport of atmospheric species.
Final-revised paper