Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
12 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 12 Aug 2016

A joint data record of tropospheric ozone from Aura-TES and MetOp-IASI

Hilke Oetjen, Vivienne H. Payne, Jessica L. Neu, Susan S. Kulawik, David P. Edwards, Annmarie Eldering, Helen M. Worden, and John R. Worden

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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 1755–1777,,, 2022
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Impact of intercontinental pollution transport on North American ozone air pollution: an HTAP phase 2 multi-model study
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

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Bowman, K. W., Worden, J., Steck, T., Worden, H. M., Clough, S., and Rodgers, C.: Capturing time and vertical variability of tropospheric ozone: A study using TES nadir retrievals, J. Geophys. Res, 107, 4723,, 2002.
Bowman, K. W., Rodgers, C. D., Kulawik, S. S., Worden, J., Sarkissian, E., Osterman, G., Steck, T., Lou, M., Eldering, A., Shephard, M., Worden, H., Lampel, M., Clough, S., Brown, P., Rinsland, C., Gunson, M., and Beer, R.: Tropospheric emission spectrometer: Retrieval method and error analysis, IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 44, 1297–1307,, 2006.
Short summary
We developed and tested a strategy for combining TES and IASI free-tropospheric ozone data. A time series of the merged ozone data is presented for regional monthly means over the western US, Europe, and eastern Asia. We show that free-tropospheric ozone over Europe and the western US has remained relatively constant over the past decade but that, contrary to expectations, ozone over Asia in recent years does not continue the rapid rate of increase observed from 2004–2010.
Final-revised paper