Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2024

How horizontal transport and turbulent mixing impact aerosol particle and precursor concentrations at a background site in the UAE

Jutta Kesti, Ewan J. O'Connor, Anne Hirsikko, John Backman, Maria Filioglou, Anu-Maija Sundström, Juha Tonttila, Heikki Lihavainen, Hannele Korhonen, and Eija Asmi

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 481–503,,, 2022
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Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2020
Publication in AMT not foreseen
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Optical and geometrical aerosol particle properties over the United Arab Emirates
Maria Filioglou, Elina Giannakaki, John Backman, Jutta Kesti, Anne Hirsikko, Ronny Engelmann, Ewan O'Connor, Jari T. T. Leskinen, Xiaoxia Shang, Hannele Korhonen, Heikki Lihavainen, Sami Romakkaniemi, and Mika Komppula
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The study combines aerosol particle measurements at the surface and vertical profiling of the atmosphere with a scanning Doppler lidar to investigate how particle transportation together with boundary layer evolution can affect particle and SO2 concentrations at the surface in the Arabian Peninsula region. The instrumentation enabled us to see elevated nucleation mode particle and SO2 concentrations at the surface when air masses transported from polluted areas are mixed in the boundary layer.
Final-revised paper