Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
25 Sep 2017
Research article |  | 25 Sep 2017

Higher measured than modeled ozone production at increased NOx levels in the Colorado Front Range

Bianca C. Baier, William H. Brune, David O. Miller, Donald Blake, Russell Long, Armin Wisthaler, Christopher Cantrell, Alan Fried, Brian Heikes, Steven Brown, Erin McDuffie, Frank Flocke, Eric Apel, Lisa Kaser, and Andrew Weinheimer

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

Apel, E., Hills, A., Lueb, R., Zindel, S., Eisele, S., and Riemer, D.: A fast-GC/MS system to measure C2 to C4 carbonyls and methanol aboard aircraft, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 108, 8794,, 2003.
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Baier, B. C., Brune, W. H., Lefer, B. L., Miller, D. O., and Martins, D. K.: Direct ozone production rate measurements and their use in assessing ozone source and receptor regions for Houston in 2013, Atmos. Environ., 114, 83–91,, 2015.
Short summary
Ozone production rates were measured using the Measurement of Ozone Production Sensor (MOPS). Measurements are compared to modeled ozone production rates using two different chemical mechanisms. At high nitric oxide levels, observed rates are higher than those modeled, prompting the need to revisit current model photochemistry. These direct measurements can add to our understanding of the ozone chemistry within air quality models and can be used to guide government regulatory strategies.
Final-revised paper