Articles | Volume 15, issue 22
Research article
19 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2015

A process-based 222radon flux map for Europe and its comparison to long-term observations

U. Karstens, C. Schwingshackl, D. Schmithüsen, and I. Levin

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Short summary
Detailed 222Rn flux maps are a prerequisite for the use of radon in atmospheric transport studies. We present a high-resolution 222Rn flux map for Europe, based on a parameterization of 222Rn production and transport in the soil. Spatial variations in 222Rn exhalation rates are determined by soil uranium content, water table depth and soil texture. Temporal variations are related to soil moisture variations as the diffusion in the soil depends on available air-filled pore space.
Final-revised paper