Articles | Volume 16, issue 17
Research article
05 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 05 Sep 2016

Not all feldspars are equal: a survey of ice nucleating properties across the feldspar group of minerals

Alexander D. Harrison, Thomas F. Whale, Michael A. Carpenter, Mark A. Holden, Lesley Neve, Daniel O'Sullivan, Jesus Vergara Temprado, and Benjamin J. Murray

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The ice-nucleating ability of quartz immersed in water and its atmospheric importance compared to K-feldspar
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Laboratory Studies | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

Alpert, P. A. and Knopf, D. A.: Analysis of isothermal and cooling-rate-dependent immersion freezing by a unifying stochastic ice nucleation model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2083–2107,, 2016.
Atkinson, J. D., Murray, B. J., Woodhouse, M. T., Whale, T. F., Baustian, K. J., Carslaw, K. S., Dobbie, S., O'Sullivan, D., and Malkin, T. L.: The importance of feldspar for ice nucleation by mineral dust in mixed-phase clouds, Nature, 498, 355–358,, 2013.
Augustin-Bauditz, S., Wex, H., Kanter, S., Ebert, M., Niedermeier, D., Stolz, F., Prager, A., and Stratmann, F.: The immersion mode ice nucleation behavior of mineral dusts: A comparison of different pure and surface modified dusts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 7375–7382,, 2014.
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Short summary
Mineral dust particles are known to act as effective ice nucleating particles in the atmosphere and to play a role in the glaciation of mixed phase clouds. We have measured the ice nucleation activity of 15 different feldspar samples using a droplet freezing experiment and shown that alkali feldspars nucleate ice much more efficiently than plagioclase feldspars. We have also shown that certain "hyper-active" alkali feldspars nucleate ice very efficiently compared to typical alkali feldspars.
Final-revised paper