Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Special issue:
© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Study of the unknown HONO daytime source at a European suburban site during the MEGAPOLI summer and winter field campaigns
V. Michoud
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
A. Colomb
LaMP, UMR-CNRS 6016, Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, Aubière, France
A. Borbon
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
K. Miet
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
M. Beekmann
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
M. Camredon
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
B. Aumont
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
S. Perrier
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
ISA, UMR-CNRS 5280, Université Lyon 1, ENS-Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
P. Zapf
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
G. Siour
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
W. Ait-Helal
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Université Lille Nord de France, Lille, France
Department of Chemistry and Environment, Ecole des Mines de Douai, Douai, France
C. Afif
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Centre d'Analyses et de Recherche, Faculty of sciences, Université Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon
A. Kukui
LATMOS, UMR-CNRS 8190, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Guyancourt, France
LPC2E, UMR-CNRS 6115, Orléans, France
M. Furger
Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
J. C. Dupont
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Palaiseau, France
M. Haeffelin
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Palaiseau, France
J. F. Doussin
LISA, UMR-CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), Université Paris Diderot (UPD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Créteil, France
Related authors
Alexandre Kukui, Michel Chartier, Jinhe Wang, Hui Chen, Sébastien Dusanter, Stéphane Sauvage, Vincent Michoud, Nadine Locoge, Valérie Gros, Thierry Bourrianne, Karine Sellegri, and Jean-Marc Pichon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13333–13351,,, 2021
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Sulfuric acid, H2SO4, plays a key role in formation of secondary atmospheric aerosol particles. It is generally accepted that the major atmospheric source of H2SO4 is the reaction of OH radicals with SO2. In this study, importance of an additional H2SO4 source via oxidation of SO2 by stabilized Criegee intermediates was estimated based on measurements at a remote site on Cape Corsica. It was found that the oxidation of SO2 by SCI may be an important source of H2SO4, especially during nighttime.
Hongming Yi, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Vincent Michoud, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, and Weidong Chen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 5701–5715,,, 2021
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HONO and NO2 play a crucial role in the atmospheric oxidation capacity that affects the regional air quality and global climate. Accurate measurements of HONO are challenging due to the drawback of existing detection methods. Calibration-free high-sensitivity direct, simultaneous measurements of NO2, HONO and CH2O with UV-IBBCEAS provide accurate and fast quantitative analysis of their concentration variation within their lifetime by intercomparison with NOx, FTIR and NitroMAC sensors.
Vincent Michoud, Stéphane Sauvage, Thierry Léonardis, Isabelle Fronval, Alexandre Kukui, Nadine Locoge, and Sébastien Dusanter
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5729–5740,,, 2018
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This study presents the first measurements of ambient methylglyoxal, an important atmospheric α-dicarbonyl, using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry. These measurements mostly agree with concomitant measurements from a reference technique: the DNPH derivatization technique and high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. In addition, a careful investigation of the differences between the two techniques is carried out to explain the disagreements observed.
Arineh Cholakian, Matthias Beekmann, Augustin Colette, Isabelle Coll, Guillaume Siour, Jean Sciare, Nicolas Marchand, Florian Couvidat, Jorge Pey, Valerie Gros, Stéphane Sauvage, Vincent Michoud, Karine Sellegri, Aurélie Colomb, Karine Sartelet, Helen Langley DeWitt, Miriam Elser, André S. H. Prévot, Sonke Szidat, and François Dulac
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7287–7312,,, 2018
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In this work, four schemes for the simulation of organic aerosols in the western Mediterranean basin are added to the CHIMERE chemistry–transport model; the resulting simulations are then compared to measurements obtained from ChArMEx. It is concluded that the scheme taking into account the fragmentation and the formation of nonvolatile organic aerosols corresponds better to measurements; the major source of this aerosol in the western Mediterranean is found to be of biogenic origin.
Hendrik Fuchs, Anna Novelli, Michael Rolletter, Andreas Hofzumahaus, Eva Y. Pfannerstill, Stephan Kessel, Achim Edtbauer, Jonathan Williams, Vincent Michoud, Sebastien Dusanter, Nadine Locoge, Nora Zannoni, Valerie Gros, Francois Truong, Roland Sarda-Esteve, Danny R. Cryer, Charlotte A. Brumby, Lisa K. Whalley, Daniel Stone, Paul W. Seakins, Dwayne E. Heard, Coralie Schoemaecker, Marion Blocquet, Sebastien Coudert, Sebastien Batut, Christa Fittschen, Alexander B. Thames, William H. Brune, Cheryl Ernest, Hartwig Harder, Jennifer B. A. Muller, Thomas Elste, Dagmar Kubistin, Stefanie Andres, Birger Bohn, Thorsten Hohaus, Frank Holland, Xin Li, Franz Rohrer, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Ralf Tillmann, Robert Wegener, Zhujun Yu, Qi Zou, and Andreas Wahner
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 4023–4053,,, 2017
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Hydroxyl radical reactivity (k(OH)) is closely related to processes that lead to the formation of oxidised, secondary pollutants such as ozone and aerosol. In order to compare the performances of instruments measuring k(OH), experiments were conducted in the simulation chamber SAPHIR. Chemical conditions were chosen either to be representative of the atmosphere or to test potential limitations of instruments. Overall, the results show that instruments are capable of measuring k(OH).
Nora Zannoni, Valerie Gros, Roland Sarda Esteve, Cerise Kalogridis, Vincent Michoud, Sebastien Dusanter, Stephane Sauvage, Nadine Locoge, Aurelie Colomb, and Bernard Bonsang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12645–12658,,, 2017
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Our paper presents results of hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity from a field study conducted during summer 2013 in a western Mediterranean coastal site (Corsica, France). Here, the total OH reactivity, measured with the comparative reactivity method, is compared with the summed OH reactivity from the reactive gases measured with a multitude of different technologies. Our results demonstrate the relatively high observed reactivity and the large impact of biogenic compounds.
Vincent Michoud, Jean Sciare, Stéphane Sauvage, Sébastien Dusanter, Thierry Léonardis, Valérie Gros, Cerise Kalogridis, Nora Zannoni, Anaïs Féron, Jean-Eudes Petit, Vincent Crenn, Dominique Baisnée, Roland Sarda-Estève, Nicolas Bonnaire, Nicolas Marchand, H. Langley DeWitt, Jorge Pey, Aurélie Colomb, François Gheusi, Sonke Szidat, Iasonas Stavroulas, Agnès Borbon, and Nadine Locoge
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 8837–8865,,, 2017
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The ChArMEx SOP2 field campaign took place from 15 July to 5 August 2013 in the western Mediterranean Basin at Ersa, a remote site in Cape Corse. Exhaustive descriptions of the chemical composition of air masses in gas and aerosol phase were performed. An analysis of these measurements was performed using various source-receptor approaches. This led to the identification of several factors linked to primary sources but also to secondary processes of both biogenic and anthropogenic origin.
L. Brégonzio-Rozier, C. Giorio, F. Siekmann, E. Pangui, S. B. Morales, B. Temime-Roussel, A. Gratien, V. Michoud, M. Cazaunau, H. L. DeWitt, A. Tapparo, A. Monod, and J.-F. Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1747–1760,,, 2016
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The impact of cloud events on isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation has been studied from an isoprene/ NOx/light system in an atmospheric simulation chamber. aqSOA formation can be linked to water soluble volatile organic compounds' dissolution in the aqueous phase and to further aqueous phase reactions. Cloud-induced SOA formation is experimentally demonstrated in this study, thus highlighting the importance of aqueous multiphase systems in atmospheric SOA formation estimations.
Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, E. Freney, K. Sellegri, J. M. Pichon, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Colomb, T. Bourrianne, V. Michoud, and A. Borbon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13973–13992,,, 2015
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Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is an important pollutant formed from megacity emissions at a regional scale. An original method based on ratios of different pollutants is used to specifically validate the aerosol scheme (the volatility basis set approach) within a CTM. The method is applied to airborne measurements performed within the Paris plume during the MEGAPOLI summer campaign. Simulations indicate that SOA of anthropogenic origin has a significant impact on regional air quality.
N. Zannoni, S. Dusanter, V. Gros, R. Sarda Esteve, V. Michoud, V. Sinha, N. Locoge, and B. Bonsang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3851–3865,,, 2015
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Our manuscript shows results of an intercomparison exercise conducted on two home-built comparative reactivity method (CRM) instruments operating under the same settings for measuring total OH reactivity. Despite the corrections of the raw data sets for instrumental artifacts having different weights on the two CRMs, we found very consistent results for the final processed data of ambient OH reactivity. Furthermore, we present in detail how to validate the instruments and process the raw data.
H. Petetin, M. Beekmann, A. Colomb, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, J.-C. Dupont, C. Honoré, V. Michoud, Y. Morille, O. Perrussel, A. Schwarzenboeck, J. Sciare, A. Wiedensohler, and Q. J. Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9799–9818,,, 2015
V. Michoud, R. F. Hansen, N. Locoge, P. S. Stevens, and S. Dusanter
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3537–3553,,, 2015
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This study presents the results of an exhaustive characterization of a CRM instrument developed at Mines Douai to measure total OH reactivity in the troposphere. To do so, a suite of laboratory experiments was conducted to assess the different corrections that need to be applied during data processing. The results were then compared to simulations from a 0-D box model, including two different chemical mechanisms, leading to reasonable agreement.
M. Beekmann, A. S. H. Prévôt, F. Drewnick, J. Sciare, S. N. Pandis, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, M. Crippa, F. Freutel, L. Poulain, V. Ghersi, E. Rodriguez, S. Beirle, P. Zotter, S.-L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, M. Bressi, C. Fountoukis, H. Petetin, S. Szidat, J. Schneider, A. Rosso, I. El Haddad, A. Megaritis, Q. J. Zhang, V. Michoud, J. G. Slowik, S. Moukhtar, P. Kolmonen, A. Stohl, S. Eckhardt, A. Borbon, V. Gros, N. Marchand, J. L. Jaffrezo, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Colomb, A. Wiedensohler, S. Borrmann, M. Lawrence, A. Baklanov, and U. Baltensperger
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9577–9591,,, 2015
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A detailed characterization of air quality in the Paris (France) agglomeration, a megacity, during two summer and winter intensive campaigns and from additional 1-year observations, revealed that about 70% of the fine particulate matter (PM) at urban background is transported into the megacity from upwind regions. Unexpectedly, a major part of organic PM is of modern origin (woodburning and cooking activities, secondary formation from biogenic VOC).
W. Ait-Helal, A. Borbon, S. Sauvage, J. A. de Gouw, A. Colomb, V. Gros, F. Freutel, M. Crippa, C. Afif, U. Baltensperger, M. Beekmann, J.-F. Doussin, R. Durand-Jolibois, I. Fronval, N. Grand, T. Leonardis, M. Lopez, V. Michoud, K. Miet, S. Perrier, A. S. H. Prévôt, J. Schneider, G. Siour, P. Zapf, and N. Locoge
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10439–10464,,, 2014
E. J. Freney, K. Sellegri, F. Canonaco, A. Colomb, A. Borbon, V. Michoud, J.-F. Doussin, S. Crumeyrolle, N. Amarouche, J.-M. Pichon, T. Bourianne, L. Gomes, A. S. H. Prevot, M. Beekmann, and A. Schwarzenböeck
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1397–1412,,, 2014
Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, F. Drewnick, F. Freutel, J. Schneider, M. Crippa, A. S. H. Prevot, U. Baltensperger, L. Poulain, A. Wiedensohler, J. Sciare, V. Gros, A. Borbon, A. Colomb, V. Michoud, J.-F. Doussin, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, M. Haeffelin, J.-C. Dupont, G. Siour, H. Petetin, B. Bessagnet, S. N. Pandis, A. Hodzic, O. Sanchez, C. Honoré, and O. Perrussel
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5767–5790,,, 2013
F. Freutel, J. Schneider, F. Drewnick, S.-L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, M. Crippa, A. S. H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, L. Poulain, A. Wiedensohler, J. Sciare, R. Sarda-Estève, J. F. Burkhart, S. Eckhardt, A. Stohl, V. Gros, A. Colomb, V. Michoud, J. F. Doussin, A. Borbon, M. Haeffelin, Y. Morille, M. Beekmann, and S. Borrmann
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 933–959,,, 2013
V. Michoud, A. Kukui, M. Camredon, A. Colomb, A. Borbon, K. Miet, B. Aumont, M. Beekmann, R. Durand-Jolibois, S. Perrier, P. Zapf, G. Siour, W. Ait-Helal, N. Locoge, S. Sauvage, C. Afif, V. Gros, M. Furger, G. Ancellet, and J. F. Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11951–11974,,, 2012
Yugo Kanaya, Roberto Sommariva, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Andrea Mazzeo, Theodore K. Koenig, Kaori Kawana, James E. Johnson, Aurélie Colomb, Pierre Tulet, Suzie Molloy, Ian E. Galbally, Rainer Volkamer, Anoop Mahajan, John W. Halfacre, Paul B. Shepson, Julia Schmale, Hélène Angot, Byron Blomquist, Matthew D. Shupe, Detlev Helmig, Junsu Gil, Meehye Lee, Sean C. Coburn, Ivan Ortega, Gao Chen, James Lee, Kenneth C. Aikin, David D. Parrish, John S. Holloway, Thomas B. Ryerson, Ilana B. Pollack, Eric J. Williams, Brian M. Lerner, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Teresa Campos, Frank M. Flocke, J. Ryan Spackman, Ilann Bourgeois, Jeff Peischl, Chelsea R. Thompson, Ralf M. Staebler, Amir A. Aliabadi, Wanmin Gong, Roeland Van Malderen, Anne M. Thompson, Ryan M. Stauffer, Debra E. Kollonige, Juan Carlos Gómez Martin, Masatomo Fujiwara, Katie Read, Matthew Rowlinson, Keiichi Sato, Junichi Kurokawa, Yoko Iwamoto, Fumikazu Taketani, Hisahiro Takashima, Monica Navarro Comas, Marios Panagi, and Martin G. Schultz
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2025
Preprint under review for ESSD
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The first comprehensive dataset of tropospheric ozone over oceans/polar regions is presented, including 77 ship/buoy and 48 aircraft campaign observations (1977–2022, 0–5000 m altitude), supplemented by ozonesonde and surface data. Air masses isolated from land for 72+ hours are systematically selected as essentially oceanic. Among the 11 global regions, they show daytime decreases of 10–16% in the tropics, while near-zero depletions are rare, unlike in the Arctic, implying different mechanisms.
Martial Haeffelin, Jean-François Ribaud, Jonnathan Céspedes, Jean-Charles Dupont, Aude Lemonsu, Valéry Masson, Tim Nagel, and Simone Kotthaus
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 14101–14122,,, 2024
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This study highlights how the state of the urban atmospheric boundary layer impacts urban park cooling effect intensity at night. Under summertime heat wave conditions, the urban atmosphere becomes stable at night, which inhibits turbulent motions. Under those specific conditions, urban parks and woods cool much more efficiently than the surrounding built-up neighbourhoods in the evening and through the night, providing cooler air temperatures by 4 to 6° C depending on park size.
Barbara Ervens, Andrew Rickard, Bernard Aumont, William P. L. Carter, Max McGillen, Abdelwahid Mellouki, John Orlando, Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault, Paul Seakins, William R. Stockwell, Luc Vereecken, and Timothy J. Wallington
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13317–13339,,, 2024
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Chemical mechanisms describe the chemical processes in atmospheric models that are used to describe the changes in the atmospheric composition. Therefore, accurate chemical mechanisms are necessary to predict the evolution of air pollution and climate change. The article describes all steps that are needed to build chemical mechanisms and discusses the advances and needs of experimental and theoretical research activities needed to build reliable chemical mechanisms.
Lauri Franzon, Marie Camredon, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, and Theo Kurtén
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11679–11699,,, 2024
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In this article we investigate the formation of large, sticky molecules from various organic compounds entering the atmosphere as primary emissions and the degree to which these processes may contribute to organic aerosol particle mass. More specifically, we qualitatively investigate a recently discovered chemical reaction channel for one of the most important short-lived radical compounds, peroxy radicals, and discover which of these reactions are most atmospherically important.
Jonnathan Céspedes, Simone Kotthaus, Jana Preissler, Clément Toupoint, Ludovic Thobois, Marc-Antoine Drouin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Aurélien Faucheux, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11477–11496,,, 2024
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The low-level jet (LLJ) is common in Paris during summer. The LLJ core height and speed significantly influence vertical mixing in the urban boundary layer, which affects air temperature variations between the urban canopy layer and surrounding rural areas, determining the urban heat island (UHI) intensity. This study highlights the importance of wind profile observations for understanding urban boundary layer dynamics and near-surface atmospheric conditions relevant to health.
Ludovico Di Antonio, Matthias Beekmann, Guillaume Siour, Vincent Michoud, Christopher Cantrell, Astrid Bauville, Antonin Bergé, Mathieu Cazaunau, Servanne Chevaillier, Manuela Cirtog, Joel F. de Brito, Paola Formenti, Cecile Gaimoz, Olivier Garret, Aline Gratien, Valérie Gros, Martial Haeffelin, Lelia N. Hawkins, Simone Kotthaus, Gael Noyalet, Diana Pereira, Jean-Eudes Petit, Eva Drew Pronovost, Véronique Riffault, Chenjie Yu, Gilles Foret, Jean-François Doussin, and Claudia Di Biagio
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Summer 2022 has been considered a proxy for future climate scenarios, given the registered hot and dry conditions. In this paper, we used the measurements from the ACROSS campaign, occurred over the Paris area in June–July 2022, in addition to observations from existing networks, to evaluate the WRF–CHIMERE model simulation over France and the Ile-de-France regions. Results over the Ile–de–France show to be satisfactory, allowing to explain the gas and aerosol variability at the ACROSS sites.
Tommaso Galeazzo, Bernard Aumont, Marie Camredon, Richard Valorso, Yong B. Lim, Paul J. Ziemann, and Manabu Shiraiwa
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5549–5565,,, 2024
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Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) derived from n-alkanes is a major component of anthropogenic particulate matter. We provide an analysis of n-alkane SOA by chemistry modeling, machine learning, and laboratory experiments, showing that n-alkane SOA adopts low-viscous semi-solid or liquid states. Our results indicate few kinetic limitations of mass accommodation in SOA formation, supporting the application of equilibrium partitioning for simulating n-alkane SOA in large-scale atmospheric models.
Cheikh Dione, Martial Haeffelin, Frédéric Burnet, Christine Lac, Guylaine Canut, Julien Delanoë, Jean-Charles Dupont, Susana Jorquera, Pauline Martinet, Jean-François Ribaud, and Felipe Toledo
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15711–15731,,, 2023
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This paper documents the role of thermodynamics and turbulence in the fog life cycle over southwestern France. It is based on a unique dataset collected during the SOFOG3D field campaign in autumn and winter 2019–2020. The paper gives a threshold for turbulence driving the different phases of the fog life cycle and the role of advection in the night-time dissipation of fog. The results can be operationalised to nowcast fog and improve short-range forecasts in numerical weather prediction models.
Jinghui Lian, Thomas Lauvaux, Hervé Utard, François-Marie Bréon, Grégoire Broquet, Michel Ramonet, Olivier Laurent, Ivonne Albarus, Mali Chariot, Simone Kotthaus, Martial Haeffelin, Olivier Sanchez, Olivier Perrussel, Hugo Anne Denier van der Gon, Stijn Nicolaas Camiel Dellaert, and Philippe Ciais
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 8823–8835,,, 2023
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This study quantifies urban CO2 emissions via an atmospheric inversion for the Paris metropolitan area over a 6-year period from 2016 to 2021. Results show a long-term decreasing trend of about 2 % ± 0.6 % per year in the annual CO2 emissions over Paris. We conclude that our current capacity can deliver near-real-time CO2 emission estimates at the city scale in under a month, and the results agree within 10 % with independent estimates from multiple city-scale inventories.
Simone Kotthaus, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Martine Collaud Coen, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Maria João Costa, Domenico Cimini, Ewan J. O'Connor, Maxime Hervo, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, María Jiménez-Portaz, Lucia Mona, Dominique Ruffieux, Anthony Illingworth, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 433–479,,, 2023
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Profile observations of the atmospheric boundary layer now allow for layer heights and characteristics to be derived at high temporal and vertical resolution. With novel high-density ground-based remote-sensing measurement networks emerging, horizontal information content is also increasing. This review summarises the capabilities and limitations of various sensors and retrieval algorithms which need to be considered during the harmonisation of data products for high-impact applications.
Emily B. Franklin, Lindsay D. Yee, Bernard Aumont, Robert J. Weber, Paul Grigas, and Allen H. Goldstein
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 3779–3803,,, 2022
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The composition of atmospheric aerosols are extremely complex, containing hundreds of thousands of estimated individual compounds. The majority of these compounds have never been catalogued in widely used databases, making them extremely difficult for atmospheric chemists to identify and analyze. In this work, we present Ch3MS-RF, a machine-learning-based model to enable characterization of complex mixtures and prediction of structure-specific properties of unidentifiable organic compounds.
Mike J. Newland, Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, Luc Vereecken, Michael E. Jenkin, and Andrew R. Rickard
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 6167–6195,,, 2022
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Alkene ozonolysis produces Criegee intermediates, which can act as oxidants or decompose to give a range of closed-shell and radical products, including OH. Therefore it is essential to accurately represent the chemistry of Criegee intermediates in atmospheric models in order to understand their impacts on atmospheric composition. Here we provide a mechanism construction protocol by which the central features of alkene ozonolysis chemistry can be included in an automatic mechanism generator.
Pamela A. Dominutti, Pascal Renard, Mickaël Vaïtilingom, Angelica Bianco, Jean-Luc Baray, Agnès Borbon, Thierry Bourianne, Frédéric Burnet, Aurélie Colomb, Anne-Marie Delort, Valentin Duflot, Stephan Houdier, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Muriel Joly, Martin Leremboure, Jean-Marc Metzger, Jean-Marc Pichon, Mickaël Ribeiro, Manon Rocco, Pierre Tulet, Anthony Vella, Maud Leriche, and Laurent Deguillaume
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 505–533,,, 2022
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We present here the results obtained during an intensive field campaign conducted in March to April 2019 in Reunion. Our study integrates a comprehensive chemical and microphysical characterization of cloud water. Our investigations reveal that air mass history and cloud microphysical properties do not fully explain the variability observed in their chemical composition. This highlights the complexity of emission sources, multiphasic exchanges, and transformations in clouds.
Jean-François Ribaud, Martial Haeffelin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Marc-Antoine Drouin, Felipe Toledo, and Simone Kotthaus
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 7893–7907,,, 2021
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PARAFOG is a near-real-time decision tool that aims to retrieve pre-fog alert levels minutes to hours prior to fog onset. The second version of PARAFOG allows us to discriminate between radiation and stratus lowering fog situations. It is based upon the combination of visibility observations and automatic lidar and ceilometer measurements. The overall performance of the second version of PARAFOG over more than 300 fog cases at five different locations presents a good perfomance.
Jean-Eudes Petit, Jean-Charles Dupont, Olivier Favez, Valérie Gros, Yunjiang Zhang, Jean Sciare, Leila Simon, François Truong, Nicolas Bonnaire, Tanguy Amodeo, Robert Vautard, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 17167–17183,,, 2021
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The COVID-19 outbreak led to lockdowns at national scales in spring 2020. Large cuts in emissions occurred, but the quantitative assessment of their role from observations is hindered by weather and interannual variability. That is why we developed an innovative methodology in order to best characterize the impact of lockdown on atmospheric chemistry. We find that a local decrease in traffic-related pollutants triggered a decrease of secondary aerosols and an increase in ozone.
Sharmine Akter Simu, Yuzo Miyazaki, Eri Tachibana, Henning Finkenzeller, Jérôme Brioude, Aurélie Colomb, Olivier Magand, Bert Verreyken, Stephanie Evan, Rainer Volkamer, and Trissevgeni Stavrakou
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 17017–17029,,, 2021
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The tropical Indian Ocean (IO) is expected to be a significant source of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), which is relevant to cloud formation. Our study showed that marine secondary organic formation dominantly contributed to the aerosol WSOC mass at the high-altitude observatory in the southwest IO in the wet season in both marine boundary layer and free troposphere (FT). This suggests that the effect of marine secondary sources is important up to FT, a process missing in climate models.
Anna K. Tobler, Alicja Skiba, Francesco Canonaco, Griša Močnik, Pragati Rai, Gang Chen, Jakub Bartyzel, Miroslaw Zimnoch, Katarzyna Styszko, Jaroslaw Nęcki, Markus Furger, Kazimierz Różański, Urs Baltensperger, Jay G. Slowik, and Andre S. H. Prevot
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 14893–14906,,, 2021
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Kraków is among the cities with the highest particulate matter levels within Europe. We conducted long-term and highly time-resolved measurements of the chemical composition of submicron particlulate matter (PM1). Combined with advanced source apportionment techniques, which allow for time-dependent factor profiles, our results elucidate that traffic and residential heating (biomass burning and coal combustion) as well as oxygenated organic aerosol are the key PM sources in Kraków.
Zhe Peng, Julia Lee-Taylor, Harald Stark, John J. Orlando, Bernard Aumont, and Jose L. Jimenez
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 14649–14669,,, 2021
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We use the fully explicit GECKO-A model to study the OH reactivity (OHR) evolution in the NO-free photooxidation of several volatile organic compounds. Oxidation progressively produces more saturated and functionalized species, then breaks them into small species. OHR per C atom evolution is similar for different precursors once saturated multifunctional species are formed. We also find that partitioning of these species to chamber walls leads to large deviations in chambers from the atmosphere.
Alexandre Kukui, Michel Chartier, Jinhe Wang, Hui Chen, Sébastien Dusanter, Stéphane Sauvage, Vincent Michoud, Nadine Locoge, Valérie Gros, Thierry Bourrianne, Karine Sellegri, and Jean-Marc Pichon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13333–13351,,, 2021
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Sulfuric acid, H2SO4, plays a key role in formation of secondary atmospheric aerosol particles. It is generally accepted that the major atmospheric source of H2SO4 is the reaction of OH radicals with SO2. In this study, importance of an additional H2SO4 source via oxidation of SO2 by stabilized Criegee intermediates was estimated based on measurements at a remote site on Cape Corsica. It was found that the oxidation of SO2 by SCI may be an important source of H2SO4, especially during nighttime.
Felipe Toledo, Martial Haeffelin, Eivind Wærsted, and Jean-Charles Dupont
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 13099–13117,,, 2021
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The article presents a new conceptual model to describe the temporal evolution of continental fog layers, developed based on 7 years of fog measurements performed at the SIRTA observatory, France. This new paradigm relates the visibility reduction caused by fog to its vertical thickness and liquid water path and provides diagnostic variables that could substantially improve the reliability of fog dissipation nowcasting at a local scale, based on real-time profiling observation.
Bert Verreyken, Crist Amelynck, Niels Schoon, Jean-François Müller, Jérôme Brioude, Nicolas Kumps, Christian Hermans, Jean-Marc Metzger, Aurélie Colomb, and Trissevgeni Stavrakou
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 12965–12988,,, 2021
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We present a 2-year dataset of trace gas concentrations, specifically an array of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), recorded at the Maïdo observatory, a remote tropical high-altitude site located on a small island in the southwest Indian Ocean. We found that island-scale transport is an important driver for the daily cycle of VOC concentrations. During the day, surface emissions from the island affect the atmospheric composition at Maïdo greatly, while at night this impact is strongly reduced.
Hongming Yi, Mathieu Cazaunau, Aline Gratien, Vincent Michoud, Edouard Pangui, Jean-Francois Doussin, and Weidong Chen
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 5701–5715,,, 2021
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HONO and NO2 play a crucial role in the atmospheric oxidation capacity that affects the regional air quality and global climate. Accurate measurements of HONO are challenging due to the drawback of existing detection methods. Calibration-free high-sensitivity direct, simultaneous measurements of NO2, HONO and CH2O with UV-IBBCEAS provide accurate and fast quantitative analysis of their concentration variation within their lifetime by intercomparison with NOx, FTIR and NitroMAC sensors.
Isaac Kwadjo Afreh, Bernard Aumont, Marie Camredon, and Kelley Claire Barsanti
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11467–11487,,, 2021
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This is the first mechanistic modeling study of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the understudied monoterpene, camphene. The semi-explicit chemical model GECKO-A predicted camphene SOA yields that were ~2 times α-pinene. Using 50/50 α-pinene + limonene as a surrogate for camphene increased predicted SOA mass from biomass burning fuels by up to ~100 %. The accurate representation of camphene in air quality models can improve predictions of SOA when camphene is a dominant monoterpene.
Jinghui Lian, François-Marie Bréon, Grégoire Broquet, Thomas Lauvaux, Bo Zheng, Michel Ramonet, Irène Xueref-Remy, Simone Kotthaus, Martial Haeffelin, and Philippe Ciais
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10707–10726,,, 2021
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Currently there is growing interest in monitoring city-scale CO2 emissions based on atmospheric CO2 measurements, atmospheric transport modeling, and inversion technique. We analyze the various sources of uncertainty that impact the atmospheric CO2 modeling and that may compromise the potential of this method for the monitoring of CO2 emission over Paris. Results suggest selection criteria for the assimilation of CO2 measurements into the inversion system that aims at retrieving city emissions.
Tommaso Galeazzo, Richard Valorso, Ying Li, Marie Camredon, Bernard Aumont, and Manabu Shiraiwa
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10199–10213,,, 2021
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We simulate SOA viscosity with explicit modeling of gas-phase oxidation of isoprene and α-pinene. While the viscosity dependence on relative humidity and mass loadings is captured well by simulations, the model underestimates measured viscosity, indicating missing processes. Kinetic limitations and reduction in mass accommodation may cause an increase in viscosity. The developed model is powerful for investigation of the interplay among gas reactions, chemical composition and phase state.
Vincent Michoud, Elise Hallemans, Laura Chiappini, Eva Leoz-Garziandia, Aurélie Colomb, Sébastien Dusanter, Isabelle Fronval, François Gheusi, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, Thierry Léonardis, Nadine Locoge, Nicolas Marchand, Stéphane Sauvage, Jean Sciare, and Jean-François Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 8067–8088,,, 2021
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A multiphasic molecular characterization of oxygenated compounds has been carried out during the ChArMEx field campaign using offline analysis. It leads to the identification of 97 different compounds in the gas and aerosol phases and reveals the important contribution of organic acids to organic aerosol. In addition, comparison between experimental and theoretical partitioning coefficients revealed in most cases a large underestimation by the theory reaching 1 to 7 orders of magnitude.
Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz and Bernard Aumont
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 6541–6563,,, 2021
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There are tens of thousands of different chemical compounds in the atmosphere. To tackle this complexity, there are a wide range of different methods to estimate their physical and chemical properties. We use these methods to understand how much the detailed structure of a molecule impacts its properties, and the extent to which properties can be estimated without knowing this level of detail. We find that structure matters, but methods lacking that level of detail still perform reasonably well.
Clémence Rose, Matti P. Rissanen, Siddharth Iyer, Jonathan Duplissy, Chao Yan, John B. Nowak, Aurélie Colomb, Régis Dupuy, Xu-Cheng He, Janne Lampilahti, Yee Jun Tham, Daniela Wimmer, Jean-Marc Metzger, Pierre Tulet, Jérôme Brioude, Céline Planche, Markku Kulmala, and Karine Sellegri
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 4541–4560,,, 2021
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Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is commonly accepted as a key precursor for atmospheric new particle formation. However, direct measurements of [H2SO4] remain challenging, motivating the development of proxies. Using data collected in two different volcanic plumes, we show, under these specific conditions, the good performance of a proxy from the literature and also highlight the benefit of the newly developed proxies for the prediction of the highest [H2SO4] values.
Roland Stirnberg, Jan Cermak, Simone Kotthaus, Martial Haeffelin, Hendrik Andersen, Julia Fuchs, Miae Kim, Jean-Eudes Petit, and Olivier Favez
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 3919–3948,,, 2021
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Air pollution endangers human health and poses a problem particularly in densely populated areas. Here, an explainable machine learning approach is used to analyse periods of high particle concentrations for a suburban site southwest of Paris to better understand its atmospheric drivers. Air pollution is particularly excaberated by low temperatures and low mixed layer heights, but processes vary substantially between and within seasons.
Francesco Canonaco, Anna Tobler, Gang Chen, Yulia Sosedova, Jay Gates Slowik, Carlo Bozzetti, Kaspar Rudolf Daellenbach, Imad El Haddad, Monica Crippa, Ru-Jin Huang, Markus Furger, Urs Baltensperger, and André Stephan Henry Prévôt
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 923–943,,, 2021
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Long-term ambient aerosol mass spectrometric data were analyzed with a statistical model (PMF) to obtain source contributions and fingerprints. The new aspects of this paper involve time-dependent source fingerprints by a rolling technique and the replacement of the full visual inspection of each run by a user-defined set of criteria to monitor the quality of each of these runs more efficiently. More reliable sources will finally provide better instruments for political mitigation strategies.
Pragati Rai, Jay G. Slowik, Markus Furger, Imad El Haddad, Suzanne Visser, Yandong Tong, Atinderpal Singh, Günther Wehrle, Varun Kumar, Anna K. Tobler, Deepika Bhattu, Liwei Wang, Dilip Ganguly, Neeraj Rastogi, Ru-Jin Huang, Jaroslaw Necki, Junji Cao, Sachchida N. Tripathi, Urs Baltensperger, and André S. H. Prévôt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 717–730,,, 2021
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We present a simple conceptual framework based on elemental size distributions and enrichment factors that allows for a characterization of major sources, site-to-site similarities, and local differences and the identification of key information required for efficient policy development. Absolute concentrations are by far the highest in Delhi, followed by Beijing, and then the European cities.
Felipe Toledo, Julien Delanoë, Martial Haeffelin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Susana Jorquera, and Christophe Le Gac
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 6853–6875,,, 2020
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Cloud observations are essential to rainfall, fog and climate change forecasts. One key instrument for these observations is cloud radar. Yet, discrepancies are found when comparing radars from different ground stations or satellites. Our work presents a calibration methodology for cloud radars based on reference targets, including an analysis of the uncertainty sources. The method enables the calibration of reference instruments to improve the quality and value of the cloud radar network data.
Bert Verreyken, Crist Amelynck, Jérôme Brioude, Jean-François Müller, Niels Schoon, Nicolas Kumps, Aurélie Colomb, Jean-Marc Metzger, Christopher F. Lee, Theodore K. Koenig, Rainer Volkamer, and Trissevgeni Stavrakou
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 14821–14845,,, 2020
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Biomass burning (BB) plumes arriving at the Maïdo observatory located in the south-west Indian Ocean during August 2018 and August 2019 are studied using trace gas measurements, Lagrangian transport models and the CAMS near-real-time atmospheric composition service. We investigate (i) secondary production of volatile organic compounds during transport, (ii) efficacy of the CAMS model to reproduce the chemical makeup of BB plumes and (iii) the impact of BB on the remote marine boundary layer.
Michael E. Jenkin, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, Mike J. Newland, and Andrew R. Rickard
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 12921–12937,,, 2020
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Unsaturated organic compounds are emitted in large quantities from natural and human-influenced sources. Atmospheric removal occurs significantly by reaction with ozone, initiating reaction sequences forming free radicals and organic pollutants in the gaseous and particulate phases. Due to their very large number, it is impossible to study the reaction rate for every compound, and most have to be estimated. Updated and extended estimation methods are reported for use in atmospheric models.
Jean-Luc Baray, Laurent Deguillaume, Aurélie Colomb, Karine Sellegri, Evelyn Freney, Clémence Rose, Joël Van Baelen, Jean-Marc Pichon, David Picard, Patrick Fréville, Laëtitia Bouvier, Mickaël Ribeiro, Pierre Amato, Sandra Banson, Angelica Bianco, Agnès Borbon, Lauréline Bourcier, Yannick Bras, Marcello Brigante, Philippe Cacault, Aurélien Chauvigné, Tiffany Charbouillot, Nadine Chaumerliac, Anne-Marie Delort, Marc Delmotte, Régis Dupuy, Antoine Farah, Guy Febvre, Andrea Flossmann, Christophe Gourbeyre, Claude Hervier, Maxime Hervo, Nathalie Huret, Muriel Joly, Victor Kazan, Morgan Lopez, Gilles Mailhot, Angela Marinoni, Olivier Masson, Nadège Montoux, Marius Parazols, Frédéric Peyrin, Yves Pointin, Michel Ramonet, Manon Rocco, Martine Sancelme, Stéphane Sauvage, Martina Schmidt, Emmanuel Tison, Mickaël Vaïtilingom, Paolo Villani, Miao Wang, Camille Yver-Kwok, and Paolo Laj
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 3413–3445,,, 2020
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CO-PDD (Cézeaux-Aulnat-Opme-puy de Dôme) is a fully instrumented platform for atmospheric research. The four sites located at different altitudes from 330 to 1465 m around Clermont-Ferrand (France) host in situ and remote sensing instruments to measure atmospheric composition, including long-term trends and variability, to study interconnected processes (microphysical, chemical, biological, chemical, and dynamical) and to provide a reference point for climate models.
Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Julia Lee-Taylor, Alma Hodzic, Paulo Artaxo, Bernard Aumont, Marie Camredon, David Gurarie, Jose-Luis Jimenez, Donald H. Lenschow, Scot T. Martin, Janaina Nascimento, John J. Orlando, Brett B. Palm, John E. Shilling, Manish Shrivastava, and Sasha Madronich
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 5995–6014,,, 2020
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The GoAmazon 2014/5 field campaign took place near the city of Manaus, Brazil, isolated in the Amazon rainforest, to study the impacts of urban pollution on natural air masses. We simulated this campaign with an extremely detailed organic chemistry model to understand how the city would affect the growth and composition of natural aerosol particles. Discrepancies between the model and the measurements indicate that the chemistry of naturally emitted organic compounds is still poorly understood.
Victor Lannuque, Florian Couvidat, Marie Camredon, Bernard Aumont, and Bertrand Bessagnet
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4905–4931,,, 2020
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Large uncertainties remain in modeling secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and evolution and properties in air quality models. In this article, the recently developed VBS-GECKO parameterization for SOA formation has been implemented in the air quality model CHIMERE. Simulations have been driven to identify the main SOA sources and to evaluate the sensitivity of simulated SOA concentrations to (i) secondary organic compound properties and (ii) emissions from traffic and transportation sources.
Cyrielle Denjean, Thierry Bourrianne, Frederic Burnet, Marc Mallet, Nicolas Maury, Aurélie Colomb, Pamela Dominutti, Joel Brito, Régis Dupuy, Karine Sellegri, Alfons Schwarzenboeck, Cyrille Flamant, and Peter Knippertz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4735–4756,,, 2020
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This paper presents aircraft measurements of aerosol optical properties over southern West Africa. We show that aerosol optical properties in the boundary layer were dominated by a persistent biomass burning loading from the Southern Hemisphere. Biomass burning aerosols were more light absorbing that those previously measured in other areas (Amazonia, North America). Our study suggests that lens-coated black carbon particles were the dominant absorber for these biomass burning aerosols.
Pragati Rai, Markus Furger, Jay G. Slowik, Francesco Canonaco, Roman Fröhlich, Christoph Hüglin, María Cruz Minguillón, Krag Petterson, Urs Baltensperger, and André S. H. Prévôt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 1657–1674,,, 2020
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A source apportionment study of hourly resolved elements in PM10 measured at a traffic-influenced site in Härkingen, Switzerland, using positive matrix factorization (PMF) and multilinear engine-2 (ME-2) offered resolution of robust and unambiguous factor profiles and contributions. We show that the rotational control available in ME-2 provides a means for treating extreme events such as fireworks within a PMF analysis.
Holger Baars, Albert Ansmann, Kevin Ohneiser, Moritz Haarig, Ronny Engelmann, Dietrich Althausen, Ingrid Hanssen, Michael Gausa, Aleksander Pietruczuk, Artur Szkop, Iwona S. Stachlewska, Dongxiang Wang, Jens Reichardt, Annett Skupin, Ina Mattis, Thomas Trickl, Hannes Vogelmann, Francisco Navas-Guzmán, Alexander Haefele, Karen Acheson, Albert A. Ruth, Boyan Tatarov, Detlef Müller, Qiaoyun Hu, Thierry Podvin, Philippe Goloub, Igor Veselovskii, Christophe Pietras, Martial Haeffelin, Patrick Fréville, Michaël Sicard, Adolfo Comerón, Alfonso Javier Fernández García, Francisco Molero Menéndez, Carmen Córdoba-Jabonero, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Daniele Bortoli, Maria João Costa, Davide Dionisi, Gian Luigi Liberti, Xuan Wang, Alessia Sannino, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Antonella Boselli, Lucia Mona, Giuseppe D'Amico, Salvatore Romano, Maria Rita Perrone, Livio Belegante, Doina Nicolae, Ivan Grigorov, Anna Gialitaki, Vassilis Amiridis, Ourania Soupiona, Alexandros Papayannis, Rodanthi-Elisaveth Mamouri, Argyro Nisantzi, Birgit Heese, Julian Hofer, Yoav Y. Schechner, Ulla Wandinger, and Gelsomina Pappalardo
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 15183–15198,,, 2019
Clémence Rose, Brice Foucart, David Picard, Aurélie Colomb, Jean-Marc Metzger, Pierre Tulet, and Karine Sellegri
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13243–13265,,, 2019
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New particle formation (NPF) is a significant climate-relevant source of aerosols in the atmosphere. We show that during the eruptive periods of the Piton de la Fournaise in 2015, NPF was favoured compared to regular days. Using the largest dataset ever reported in volcanic plume conditions, we quantify the emission rates of particles over a broad size range and provide a new statistically robust parameterization to take into account this important source of atmospheric particles in models.
Marie Lothon, Paul Barnéoud, Omar Gabella, Fabienne Lohou, Solène Derrien, Sylvain Rondi, Marjolaine Chiriaco, Sophie Bastin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Martial Haeffelin, Jordi Badosa, Nicolas Pascal, and Nadège Montoux
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 5519–5534,,, 2019
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In the context of an atmospheric network of instrumented sites equipped with sky cameras for cloud monitoring, we present an algorithm named ELIFAN, which aims to estimate the cloud cover amount from full-sky visible daytime images. ELIFAN is based on red-to-blue ratio thresholding applied on the image pixels and on the use of a blue-sky library. We present its principle and its performance and highlight the interest of combining several complementary instruments.
Pamela Dominutti, Sekou Keita, Julien Bahino, Aurélie Colomb, Cathy Liousse, Véronique Yoboué, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Eleanor Morris, Laëtitia Bouvier, Stéphane Sauvage, and Agnès Borbon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 11721–11741,,, 2019
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Several field campaigns were performed in southern West Africa in the framework of the DACCIWA project with the purpose of measuring a broad range of atmospheric constituents. Our study presents the analysis of a comprehensive dataset which integrates up to 56 species of VOCs measured at different ambient sites and emission sources. Our detailed VOC estimation for Cote d'Ivoire is 3 to 6 times higher than the whole of Europe, transportation being the dominant source of VOCs.
Valentin Duflot, Pierre Tulet, Olivier Flores, Christelle Barthe, Aurélie Colomb, Laurent Deguillaume, Mickael Vaïtilingom, Anne Perring, Alex Huffman, Mark T. Hernandez, Karine Sellegri, Ellis Robinson, David J. O'Connor, Odessa M. Gomez, Frédéric Burnet, Thierry Bourrianne, Dominique Strasberg, Manon Rocco, Allan K. Bertram, Patrick Chazette, Julien Totems, Jacques Fournel, Pierre Stamenoff, Jean-Marc Metzger, Mathilde Chabasset, Clothilde Rousseau, Eric Bourrianne, Martine Sancelme, Anne-Marie Delort, Rachel E. Wegener, Cedric Chou, and Pablo Elizondo
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10591–10618,,, 2019
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The Forests gAses aeRosols Clouds Exploratory (FARCE) campaign was conducted in March–April 2015 on the tropical island of La Réunion. For the first time, several scientific teams from different disciplines collaborated to provide reference measurements and characterization of La Réunion vegetation, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), biogenic VOCs (BVOCs), (bio)aerosols and composition of clouds, with a strong focus on the Maïdo mount slope area.
Peter Bräuer, Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Andreas Tilgner, Anke Mutzel, Olaf Böge, Maria Rodigast, Laurent Poulain, Dominik van Pinxteren, Ralf Wolke, Bernard Aumont, and Hartmut Herrmann
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 9209–9239,,, 2019
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The article presents a new protocol for computer-assisted automated aqueous-phase chemistry mechanism generation, which has been validated against chamber experiments. Together with a large kinetics database and improved prediction methods for kinetic data, the novel protocol provides an unmatched tool for detailed studies of tropospheric aqueous-phase chemistry in complex model studies and for the design and analysis of chamber experiments.
Andrés Esteban Bedoya-Velásquez, Gloria Titos, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Martial Haeffelin, Olivier Favez, Jean-Eudes Petit, Juan Andrés Casquero-Vera, Francisco José Olmo-Reyes, Elena Montilla-Rosero, Carlos D. Hoyos, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, and Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7883–7896,,, 2019
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This study is related to the first time hygroscopic enhancement factors retrieved directly for ambient aerosols using remote sensing techniques are combined with online chemical composition in situ measurements to evaluate the role of the different aerosol species in aerosol hygroscopicity at ACTRIS SIRTA observatory. The results showed 8 cases that fulfilled strict criteria over 107 cases identified in this study.
Michael E. Jenkin, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, and Andrew R. Rickard
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7691–7717,,, 2019
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Organic compounds are emitted in large amounts from natural and human-influenced sources. Peroxy radicals are key intermediates formed during oxidation of organic compounds, and play a central role in mechanisms forming pollutants such as ozone and organic particles. Due to the large number of different peroxy radicals formed, it is impossible to study the rates of all of their reactions, and most have to be estimated. Updated and new estimation methods are reported for use in atmospheric models
Marie Mazoyer, Frédéric Burnet, Cyrielle Denjean, Gregory C. Roberts, Martial Haeffelin, Jean-Charles Dupont, and Thierry Elias
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 4323–4344,,, 2019
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In situ microphysical measurements collected during 23 fog events at SIRTA (south of Paris) are examined here. An original iterative method based on the κ-Köhler theory has been used to compute statistics of their activation properties. Useful information is provided to constrain and validate numerical simulations. The paper demonstrates that supersaturation encountered in these fogs is too low to observe a correlation between concentrations of aerosols > 200 nm and droplet concentrations.
Qiaoyun Hu, Philippe Goloub, Igor Veselovskii, Juan-Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Ioana Elisabeta Popovici, Thierry Podvin, Martial Haeffelin, Anton Lopatin, Oleg Dubovik, Christophe Pietras, Xin Huang, Benjamin Torres, and Cheng Chen
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 1173–1193,,, 2019
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Smoke plumes generated in Canadian fire activities were elevated to the lower stratosphere and transported from North America to Europe. The smoke plumes were observed by three lidar systems in northern France. This study provides a comprehensive characterization for aged smoke aerosols at high altitude using lidar observations. It presents that fire activities on the Earth's surface can be an important contributor of stratospheric aerosols and impact the Earth's radiation budget.
Matthias Wiegner, Ina Mattis, Margit Pattantyús-Ábrahám, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Yann Poltera, Alexander Haefele, Maxime Hervo, Ulrich Görsdorf, Ronny Leinweber, Josef Gasteiger, Martial Haeffelin, Frank Wagner, Jan Cermak, Katerina Komínková, Mike Brettle, Christoph Münkel, and Kornelia Pönitz
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 471–490,,, 2019
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Many ceilometers are influenced by water vapor absorption in the spectral range around 910 nm. Thus, a correction is required to retrieve aerosol optical properties. Validation of this correction scheme was performed in the framework of CeiLinEx2015 for several ceilometers with good agreement for Vaisala's CL51 ceilometer. For future applications we recommend monitoring the emitted wavelength and providing
darkmeasurements on a regular basis to be able to correct for signal artifacts.
Vincent Michoud, Stéphane Sauvage, Thierry Léonardis, Isabelle Fronval, Alexandre Kukui, Nadine Locoge, and Sébastien Dusanter
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5729–5740,,, 2018
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This study presents the first measurements of ambient methylglyoxal, an important atmospheric α-dicarbonyl, using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry. These measurements mostly agree with concomitant measurements from a reference technique: the DNPH derivatization technique and high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. In addition, a careful investigation of the differences between the two techniques is carried out to explain the disagreements observed.
Victor Lannuque, Marie Camredon, Florian Couvidat, Alma Hodzic, Richard Valorso, Sasha Madronich, Bertrand Bessagnet, and Bernard Aumont
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 13411–13428,,, 2018
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Large uncertainties remain in understanding the influence of atmospheric environmental conditions on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation, evolution and properties. In this article, the GECKO-A modelling tool has been used in a box model under various environmental conditions to (i) explore the sensitivity of SOA formation and properties to changes on physical and chemical conditions and (ii) develop a volatility-basis-set-type parameterization for air quality models.
Cyrille Flamant, Adrien Deroubaix, Patrick Chazette, Joel Brito, Marco Gaetani, Peter Knippertz, Andreas H. Fink, Gaëlle de Coetlogon, Laurent Menut, Aurélie Colomb, Cyrielle Denjean, Rémi Meynadier, Philip Rosenberg, Regis Dupuy, Pamela Dominutti, Jonathan Duplissy, Thierry Bourrianne, Alfons Schwarzenboeck, Michel Ramonet, and Julien Totems
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 12363–12389,,, 2018
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This work sheds light on the complex mechanisms by which coastal shallow circulations distribute atmospheric pollutants over the densely populated southern West African region. Pollutants of concern are anthropogenic emissions from coastal cities, as well as biomass burning aerosol and dust associated with long-range transport. The complex vertical distribution of aerosols over coastal southern West Africa is investigated using airborne observations and numerical simulations.
Amelie Driemel, John Augustine, Klaus Behrens, Sergio Colle, Christopher Cox, Emilio Cuevas-Agulló, Fred M. Denn, Thierry Duprat, Masato Fukuda, Hannes Grobe, Martial Haeffelin, Gary Hodges, Nicole Hyett, Osamu Ijima, Ain Kallis, Wouter Knap, Vasilii Kustov, Charles N. Long, David Longenecker, Angelo Lupi, Marion Maturilli, Mohamed Mimouni, Lucky Ntsangwane, Hiroyuki Ogihara, Xabier Olano, Marc Olefs, Masao Omori, Lance Passamani, Enio Bueno Pereira, Holger Schmithüsen, Stefanie Schumacher, Rainer Sieger, Jonathan Tamlyn, Roland Vogt, Laurent Vuilleumier, Xiangao Xia, Atsumu Ohmura, and Gert König-Langlo
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1491–1501,,, 2018
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The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) collects and centrally archives high-quality ground-based radiation measurements in 1 min resolution. More than 10 300 months, i.e., > 850 years, of high-radiation data in 1 min resolution from the years 1992 to 2017 are available. The network currently comprises 59 stations collectively representing all seven continents as well as island-based stations in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans.
Michael E. Jenkin, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, Andrew R. Rickard, and Timothy J. Wallington
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9297–9328,,, 2018
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Organic compounds are emitted in large quantities from natural and human-influenced sources. Removal from the atmosphere occurs mainly by reaction with hydroxyl (OH) radicals, and initiates reaction sequences forming pollutants such as ozone and organic particles. Due to their very large number, it is impossible to measure the removal rate for all compounds, and most have to be estimated. An updated and extended estimation method is reported for use in atmospheric models and impact assessments.
Michael E. Jenkin, Richard Valorso, Bernard Aumont, Andrew R. Rickard, and Timothy J. Wallington
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9329–9349,,, 2018
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Organic compounds are emitted in large quantities from natural and human-influenced sources. Removal from the atmosphere occurs mainly by reaction with hydroxyl (OH) radicals, and initiates reaction sequences forming pollutants such as ozone and organic particles. Due to their very large number, it is impossible to measure the removal rate for all compounds, and most have to be estimated. An updated and extended estimation method is reported for use in atmospheric models and impact assessments.
Sekou Keita, Cathy Liousse, Véronique Yoboué, Pamela Dominutti, Benjamin Guinot, Eric-Michel Assamoi, Agnès Borbon, Sophie L. Haslett, Laetitia Bouvier, Aurélie Colomb, Hugh Coe, Aristide Akpo, Jacques Adon, Julien Bahino, Madina Doumbia, Julien Djossou, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Eric Gardrat, Sylvain Gnamien, Jean F. Léon, Money Ossohou, E. Touré N'Datchoh, and Laurent Roblou
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7691–7708,,, 2018
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This study provides emission factor (EF) data for elemental and organic carbon, total particulate matter and 58 volatile organic compound species for combustion sources specific to Africa to establish emission inventories with less uncertainty. EFs obtained in this study are generally higher than those in the literature whose values are used in emissions inventories for Africa. This shows that particles and VOC emissions were sometimes underestimated and underlines this study's importance.
Arineh Cholakian, Matthias Beekmann, Augustin Colette, Isabelle Coll, Guillaume Siour, Jean Sciare, Nicolas Marchand, Florian Couvidat, Jorge Pey, Valerie Gros, Stéphane Sauvage, Vincent Michoud, Karine Sellegri, Aurélie Colomb, Karine Sartelet, Helen Langley DeWitt, Miriam Elser, André S. H. Prévot, Sonke Szidat, and François Dulac
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7287–7312,,, 2018
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In this work, four schemes for the simulation of organic aerosols in the western Mediterranean basin are added to the CHIMERE chemistry–transport model; the resulting simulations are then compared to measurements obtained from ChArMEx. It is concluded that the scheme taking into account the fragmentation and the formation of nonvolatile organic aerosols corresponds better to measurements; the major source of this aerosol in the western Mediterranean is found to be of biogenic origin.
Evelyn Freney, Karine Sellegri, Mounir Chrit, Kouji Adachi, Joel Brito, Antoine Waked, Agnès Borbon, Aurélie Colomb, Régis Dupuy, Jean-Marc Pichon, Laetitia Bouvier, Claire Delon, Corinne Jambert, Pierre Durand, Thierry Bourianne, Cécile Gaimoz, Sylvain Triquet, Anaïs Féron, Matthias Beekmann, François Dulac, and Karine Sartelet
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 7041–7056,,, 2018
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The focus of these experiments, within the ChArMEx project, were to better understand the chemical properties of ambient aerosols over the Mediterranean region. A series of airborne measurements were performed aboard the French research aircraft, the ATR42, during the summer period. Aerosol and gas-phase chemical mass spectrometry allowed us to understand the sources and formation of organic aerosols. Numerical models were incorporated into this study to help interpret our observations.
Marjolaine Chiriaco, Jean-Charles Dupont, Sophie Bastin, Jordi Badosa, Julio Lopez, Martial Haeffelin, Helene Chepfer, and Rodrigo Guzman
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 919–940,,, 2018
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A scientific approach is presented to aggregate and harmonize a set of 60 geophysical variables at hourly scale over a decade, and to allow multiannual and multi-variable studies combining atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics, radiation, clouds and aerosols from ground-based observations.
Marcelo de Paula Corrêa, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Fabrina Bolzan Martins, Kátia Mendes, Martial Haeffelin, Miguel Rivas, and Elisa Rojas
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.,,, 2018
Revised manuscript has not been submitted
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This paper provides a very simple method for UV index estimation from PAR measurements. These latter are generally performed by cheaper instruments and commonly found in any ordinary meteorological station. A large dataset collected in South America and Europe was used to test this method and thes results are comparable to the instrumental errors. For this reason, the method is a useful tool for UV index evaluations in regions lacking adequate instrumentation.
Joel Brito, Evelyn Freney, Pamela Dominutti, Agnes Borbon, Sophie L. Haslett, Anneke M. Batenburg, Aurelie Colomb, Regis Dupuy, Cyrielle Denjean, Frederic Burnet, Thierry Bourriane, Adrien Deroubaix, Karine Sellegri, Stephan Borrmann, Hugh Coe, Cyrille Flamant, Peter Knippertz, and Alfons Schwarzenboeck
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 757–772,,, 2018
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This work focuses on sources of submicron aerosol particles over southern West Africa (SWA). Results have shown that isoprene, a gas-phase compound of biogenic origin, is responsible for roughly 25 % of the organic aerosol (OA) loading, under most background or urban plumes alike. This fraction represents a lower estimate from the biogenic contribution in this fairly polluted region. This work sheds light upon the role of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions on the pollution burden over SWA.
Hendrik Fuchs, Anna Novelli, Michael Rolletter, Andreas Hofzumahaus, Eva Y. Pfannerstill, Stephan Kessel, Achim Edtbauer, Jonathan Williams, Vincent Michoud, Sebastien Dusanter, Nadine Locoge, Nora Zannoni, Valerie Gros, Francois Truong, Roland Sarda-Esteve, Danny R. Cryer, Charlotte A. Brumby, Lisa K. Whalley, Daniel Stone, Paul W. Seakins, Dwayne E. Heard, Coralie Schoemaecker, Marion Blocquet, Sebastien Coudert, Sebastien Batut, Christa Fittschen, Alexander B. Thames, William H. Brune, Cheryl Ernest, Hartwig Harder, Jennifer B. A. Muller, Thomas Elste, Dagmar Kubistin, Stefanie Andres, Birger Bohn, Thorsten Hohaus, Frank Holland, Xin Li, Franz Rohrer, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Ralf Tillmann, Robert Wegener, Zhujun Yu, Qi Zou, and Andreas Wahner
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 4023–4053,,, 2017
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Hydroxyl radical reactivity (k(OH)) is closely related to processes that lead to the formation of oxidised, secondary pollutants such as ozone and aerosol. In order to compare the performances of instruments measuring k(OH), experiments were conducted in the simulation chamber SAPHIR. Chemical conditions were chosen either to be representative of the atmosphere or to test potential limitations of instruments. Overall, the results show that instruments are capable of measuring k(OH).
Nora Zannoni, Valerie Gros, Roland Sarda Esteve, Cerise Kalogridis, Vincent Michoud, Sebastien Dusanter, Stephane Sauvage, Nadine Locoge, Aurelie Colomb, and Bernard Bonsang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 12645–12658,,, 2017
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Our paper presents results of hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity from a field study conducted during summer 2013 in a western Mediterranean coastal site (Corsica, France). Here, the total OH reactivity, measured with the comparative reactivity method, is compared with the summed OH reactivity from the reactive gases measured with a multitude of different technologies. Our results demonstrate the relatively high observed reactivity and the large impact of biogenic compounds.
Eivind G. Wærsted, Martial Haeffelin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Julien Delanoë, and Philippe Dubuisson
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 10811–10835,,, 2017
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Heating and cooling of fog layers by solar and terrestrial radiation influence the fog life cycle. We quantify these radiative impacts on fog liquid water using detailed cloud radar observations of seven fog events as well as sensitivity studies. We find that the impact of radiation is affected mainly by fog optical thickness, atmospheric humidity and the presence of clouds above the fog. Observing these quantities in real time can therefore be useful for forecasting fog dissipation.
Vincent Michoud, Jean Sciare, Stéphane Sauvage, Sébastien Dusanter, Thierry Léonardis, Valérie Gros, Cerise Kalogridis, Nora Zannoni, Anaïs Féron, Jean-Eudes Petit, Vincent Crenn, Dominique Baisnée, Roland Sarda-Estève, Nicolas Bonnaire, Nicolas Marchand, H. Langley DeWitt, Jorge Pey, Aurélie Colomb, François Gheusi, Sonke Szidat, Iasonas Stavroulas, Agnès Borbon, and Nadine Locoge
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 8837–8865,,, 2017
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The ChArMEx SOP2 field campaign took place from 15 July to 5 August 2013 in the western Mediterranean Basin at Ersa, a remote site in Cape Corse. Exhaustive descriptions of the chemical composition of air masses in gas and aerosol phase were performed. An analysis of these measurements was performed using various source-receptor approaches. This led to the identification of several factors linked to primary sources but also to secondary processes of both biogenic and anthropogenic origin.
David O. Topping, James Allan, M. Rami Alfarra, and Bernard Aumont
Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2365–2377,,, 2017
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Our ability to model the chemical and thermodynamic processes that lead to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation is thought to be hampered by the complexity of the system. In this proof of concept study, the ability to train supervised methods to predict electron impact ionisation (EI) mass spectra for the AMS is evaluated to facilitate improved model evaluation. The study demonstrates the use of a methodology that would be improved with more training data and data from simple mixed systems.
Markus Furger, María Cruz Minguillón, Varun Yadav, Jay G. Slowik, Christoph Hüglin, Roman Fröhlich, Krag Petterson, Urs Baltensperger, and André S. H. Prévôt
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2061–2076,,, 2017
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An Xact 625 Ambient Metals Monitor was tested during a 3-week summer field campaign at a rural, traffic-influenced site in Switzerland. The objective was to characterize the operation of the instrument, evaluate the data quality by intercomparison with other independent measurements, and test its applicability for aerosol source quantification. The results demonstrate significant advantages compared to traditional elemental analysis methods, with some desirable improvements.
Pierre Tulet, Andréa Di Muro, Aurélie Colomb, Cyrielle Denjean, Valentin Duflot, Santiago Arellano, Brice Foucart, Jérome Brioude, Karine Sellegri, Aline Peltier, Alessandro Aiuppa, Christelle Barthe, Chatrapatty Bhugwant, Soline Bielli, Patrice Boissier, Guillaume Boudoire, Thierry Bourrianne, Christophe Brunet, Fréderic Burnet, Jean-Pierre Cammas, Franck Gabarrot, Bo Galle, Gaetano Giudice, Christian Guadagno, Fréderic Jeamblu, Philippe Kowalski, Jimmy Leclair de Bellevue, Nicolas Marquestaut, Dominique Mékies, Jean-Marc Metzger, Joris Pianezze, Thierry Portafaix, Jean Sciare, Arnaud Tournigand, and Nicolas Villeneuve
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 5355–5378,,, 2017
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The STRAP campaign was conducted in 2015 to investigate the volcanic plumes of Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion, France). For the first time, measurements were conducted at the local (near the vent) and regional scales around the island. The STRAP 2015 campaign gave a unique set of multi-disciplinary data that can now be used by modellers to improve the numerical parameterisations of the physical and chemical evolution of the volcanic plumes.
Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Laurent Deguillaume, Anne Monod, Hélène Perroux, Clémence Rose, Giovanni Ghigo, Yoann Long, Maud Leriche, Bernard Aumont, Luc Patryl, Patrick Armand, and Nadine Chaumerliac
Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1339–1362,,, 2017
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The Cloud Explicit Physico-chemical Scheme (CLEPS 1.0) describes oxidation of water-soluble organic compounds resulting from isoprene oxidation. It is based on structure activity relationships (SARs) (global rate constants and branching ratios for HO• abstraction and addition) and GROMHE SAR (Henry's law constants for undocumented species). It is coupled to the MCM gas phase mechanism and is included in a model using the DSMACC model and KPP to analyze experimental and field data.
Martial Haeffelin, Quentin Laffineur, Juan-Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Marc-Antoine Drouin, Juan-Andrés Casquero-Vera, Jean-Charles Dupont, and Hugo De Backer
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 5347–5365,,, 2016
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Air traffic at busy airports can be significantly disrupted because low visibility due to fog makes it unsafe to take off, land and taxi on the ground. In this paper we show how automatic profiling lidar ceilometer measurements, available at most airports, can be used to provide pre-fog alert information, and hence help airport weather forecasters to better predict these low visibility conditions. This research was carried out in the context of a field campaign at Paris CDG airport (France).
Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Livio Belegante, Volker Freudenthaler, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Doina Nicolae, María José Granados-Muñoz, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Aldo Amodeo, Giusseppe D'Amico, Ronny Engelmann, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Panos Kokkalis, Rodanthy Mamouri, Alex Papayannis, Francisco Navas-Guzmán, Francisco José Olmo, Ulla Wandinger, Francesco Amato, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 4935–4953,,, 2016
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This work analyses the lidar polarizing sensitivity by means of the Stokes–Müller formalism and provides a new tool to quantify the systematic error of the volume linear depolarization ration (δ) using the Monte Carlo technique. Results evidence the importance of the lidar polarizing effects which can lead to systematic errors larger than 100 %. Additionally, we demonstrate that a proper lidar characterization helps to reduce the uncertainty.
Simone Kotthaus, Ewan O'Connor, Christoph Münkel, Cristina Charlton-Perez, Martial Haeffelin, Andrew M. Gabey, and C. Sue B. Grimmond
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 3769–3791,,, 2016
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Ceilometers lidars are useful to study clouds, aerosol layers and atmospheric boundary layer structures. As sensor optics and acquisition algorithms can strongly influence the observations, sensor specifics need to be incorporated into the physical interpretation. Here, recommendations are made for the operation and processing of profile observations from the widely deployed Vaisala CL31 ceilometer. Proposed corrections are shown to increase data quality and even data availability at times.
M. Mazoyer, F. Burnet, G. C. Roberts, M. Haeffelin, J.-C Dupont, and T. Elias
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,,, 2016
Preprint withdrawn
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Comprehensive field campaigns dedicated to fog life cycle observation were conducted during the winters of 2010–2013 at the SIRTA observatory in the suburb of Paris. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of aerosol particles on the fog microphysics
through an original method. We conclude that the actual supersaturations reached during these fog episodes are too low and no simultaneous increase of aerosols (D > 200 nm) and droplet concentrations can be observed.
Thérèse Salameh, Stéphane Sauvage, Charbel Afif, Agnès Borbon, and Nadine Locoge
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 3595–3607,,, 2016
Renee C. McVay, Xuan Zhang, Bernard Aumont, Richard Valorso, Marie Camredon, Yuyi S. La, Paul O. Wennberg, and John H. Seinfeld
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2785–2802,,, 2016
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Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) affects climate change, human health, and cloud formation. We examine SOA formation from the biogenic hydrocarbon α-pinene and observe unexpected experimental results that run contrary to model predictions. Various processes are explored via modeling to rationalize the observations. The paper identifies the importance of further constraining via experiments various steps in the chemical mechanism in order to accurately predict SOA worldwide.
David Topping, Mark Barley, Michael K. Bane, Nicholas Higham, Bernard Aumont, Nicholas Dingle, and Gordon McFiggans
Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 899–914,,, 2016
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In this paper we describe the development and application of a new web-based and open-source facility, UManSysProp (http://umansysprop, for automating predictions of molecular and atmospheric aerosol properties. Current facilities include pure component vapour pressures, critical properties, and sub-cooled densities of organic molecules; activity coefficient predictions for mixed inorganic-organic liquid systems; hygroscopic growth factors and CCN activation potential.
L. Brégonzio-Rozier, C. Giorio, F. Siekmann, E. Pangui, S. B. Morales, B. Temime-Roussel, A. Gratien, V. Michoud, M. Cazaunau, H. L. DeWitt, A. Tapparo, A. Monod, and J.-F. Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1747–1760,,, 2016
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The impact of cloud events on isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation has been studied from an isoprene/ NOx/light system in an atmospheric simulation chamber. aqSOA formation can be linked to water soluble volatile organic compounds' dissolution in the aqueous phase and to further aqueous phase reactions. Cloud-induced SOA formation is experimentally demonstrated in this study, thus highlighting the importance of aqueous multiphase systems in atmospheric SOA formation estimations.
Y. S. La, M. Camredon, P. J. Ziemann, R. Valorso, A. Matsunaga, V. Lannuque, J. Lee-Taylor, A. Hodzic, S. Madronich, and B. Aumont
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1417–1431,,, 2016
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The potential impact of chamber walls on the loss of gaseous organic species and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation has been explored using the GECKO-A modeling tool, which explicitly represents SOA formation and gas-wall partitioning. The model was compared with 41 smog chamber experiments of SOA formation under OH oxidation of alkane and alkene serie. The organic vapor loss to the chamber walls is found to affect SOA yields as well as the composition of the gas and the particle phase.
Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, E. Freney, K. Sellegri, J. M. Pichon, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Colomb, T. Bourrianne, V. Michoud, and A. Borbon
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13973–13992,,, 2015
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Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is an important pollutant formed from megacity emissions at a regional scale. An original method based on ratios of different pollutants is used to specifically validate the aerosol scheme (the volatility basis set approach) within a CTM. The method is applied to airborne measurements performed within the Paris plume during the MEGAPOLI summer campaign. Simulations indicate that SOA of anthropogenic origin has a significant impact on regional air quality.
S. Visser, J. G. Slowik, M. Furger, P. Zotter, N. Bukowiecki, F. Canonaco, U. Flechsig, K. Appel, D. C. Green, A. H. Tremper, D. E. Young, P. I. Williams, J. D. Allan, H. Coe, L. R. Williams, C. Mohr, L. Xu, N. L. Ng, E. Nemitz, J. F. Barlow, C. H. Halios, Z. L. Fleming, U. Baltensperger, and A. S. H. Prévôt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 11291–11309,,, 2015
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Trace element measurements in three particle size ranges (PM10-2.5, PM2.5-1.0 and PM1.0-0.3) were performed with 2h time resolution at kerbside, urban background and rural sites during the ClearfLo winter 2012 campaign in London. The environment-dependent variability of emissions was characterized using the Multilinear Engine implementation of the positive matrix factorization model. A total of nine different factors were resolved from local, regional and natural origin.
G. Dufour, M. Eremenko, J. Cuesta, C. Doche, G. Foret, M. Beekmann, A. Cheiney, Y. Wang, Z. Cai, Y. Liu, M. Takigawa, Y. Kanaya, and J.-M. Flaud
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10839–10856,,, 2015
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We identify the stratospheric and the photochemical sources contributing to the late-spring O3 distribution over East Asia using IASI O3 and CO observations. Reversible subsiding O3 transfers in the UTLS associated with low-pressure systems impact lower-tropospheric O3 north of 40°N. By contrast, photochemical production from primary pollutants significantly contributes to the enhanced lower-tropospheric O3 over the NCP and photochemical processing occurs within the plume exported from the NCP.
M. Lopez, M. Schmidt, M. Ramonet, J.-L. Bonne, A. Colomb, V. Kazan, P. Laj, and J.-M. Pichon
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3941–3958,,, 2015
N. Zannoni, S. Dusanter, V. Gros, R. Sarda Esteve, V. Michoud, V. Sinha, N. Locoge, and B. Bonsang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3851–3865,,, 2015
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Our manuscript shows results of an intercomparison exercise conducted on two home-built comparative reactivity method (CRM) instruments operating under the same settings for measuring total OH reactivity. Despite the corrections of the raw data sets for instrumental artifacts having different weights on the two CRMs, we found very consistent results for the final processed data of ambient OH reactivity. Furthermore, we present in detail how to validate the instruments and process the raw data.
M. Pikridas, J. Sciare, F. Freutel, S. Crumeyrolle, S.-L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, A. Borbon, A. Schwarzenboeck, M. Merkel, M. Crippa, E. Kostenidou, M. Psichoudaki, L. Hildebrandt, G. J. Engelhart, T. Petäjä, A. S. H. Prévôt, F. Drewnick, U. Baltensperger, A. Wiedensohler, M. Kulmala, M. Beekmann, and S. N. Pandis
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10219–10237,,, 2015
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Aerosol size distribution measurements from three ground sites, two mobile laboratories, and one airplane are combined to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of ultrafine particles in and around Paris during the summer and winter MEGAPOLI campaigns. The role of nucleation as a particle source and the influence of Paris emissions on their surroundings are examined.
C. Rose, K. Sellegri, E. Freney, R. Dupuy, A. Colomb, J.-M. Pichon, M. Ribeiro, T. Bourianne, F. Burnet, and A. Schwarzenboeck
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10203–10218,,, 2015
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In the present paper we report airborne measurements of new particle formation (NPF) above the Mediterranean Sea (HYMEX campaign). We show that NPF occurs over large areas above the sea, but the process is clearly promoted at high altitude, above 1000m, i.e. frequently in the free troposphere. NPF also seems to be mainly influenced by local processes occurring above the sea. After their formation, particles slowly grow at high altitude while not being greatly depleted or affected by coagulation.
H. Petetin, M. Beekmann, A. Colomb, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, J.-C. Dupont, C. Honoré, V. Michoud, Y. Morille, O. Perrussel, A. Schwarzenboeck, J. Sciare, A. Wiedensohler, and Q. J. Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9799–9818,,, 2015
V. Michoud, R. F. Hansen, N. Locoge, P. S. Stevens, and S. Dusanter
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3537–3553,,, 2015
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This study presents the results of an exhaustive characterization of a CRM instrument developed at Mines Douai to measure total OH reactivity in the troposphere. To do so, a suite of laboratory experiments was conducted to assess the different corrections that need to be applied during data processing. The results were then compared to simulations from a 0-D box model, including two different chemical mechanisms, leading to reasonable agreement.
M. Beekmann, A. S. H. Prévôt, F. Drewnick, J. Sciare, S. N. Pandis, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, M. Crippa, F. Freutel, L. Poulain, V. Ghersi, E. Rodriguez, S. Beirle, P. Zotter, S.-L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, M. Bressi, C. Fountoukis, H. Petetin, S. Szidat, J. Schneider, A. Rosso, I. El Haddad, A. Megaritis, Q. J. Zhang, V. Michoud, J. G. Slowik, S. Moukhtar, P. Kolmonen, A. Stohl, S. Eckhardt, A. Borbon, V. Gros, N. Marchand, J. L. Jaffrezo, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Colomb, A. Wiedensohler, S. Borrmann, M. Lawrence, A. Baklanov, and U. Baltensperger
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9577–9591,,, 2015
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A detailed characterization of air quality in the Paris (France) agglomeration, a megacity, during two summer and winter intensive campaigns and from additional 1-year observations, revealed that about 70% of the fine particulate matter (PM) at urban background is transported into the megacity from upwind regions. Unexpectedly, a major part of organic PM is of modern origin (woodburning and cooking activities, secondary formation from biogenic VOC).
C. Di Biagio, L. Doppler, C. Gaimoz, N. Grand, G. Ancellet, J.-C. Raut, M. Beekmann, A. Borbon, K. Sartelet, J.-L. Attié, F. Ravetta, and P. Formenti
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9611–9630,,, 2015
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Observations from this study indicate that continental pollution largely affects the atmospheric composition and structure of the western Mediterranean basin. Pollution plumes reach 3000-4000 m in altitude and present a very complex and highly stratified structure, characterized by fresh and aged layers both in the boundary layer and in the free troposphere. Also we report the observations of high levels of ultrafine particles over the basin, possibly linked to new particle formation events.
A. Hodzic, S. Madronich, P. S. Kasibhatla, G. Tyndall, B. Aumont, J. L. Jimenez, J. Lee-Taylor, and J. Orlando
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 9253–9269,,, 2015
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Our study combines process and global chemistry modeling to investigate the potential effect of gas- and particle-phase organic photolysis reactions on the formation and lifetime of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). Photolysis of the oxidation intermediates that partition between gas and particle phases to form SOA is not included in 3D models. Our results suggest that exposure to UV light can suppress the formation of SOA or even lead to its substantial loss (comparable to wet deposition).
C. C. Hoerger, A. Claude, C. Plass-Duelmer, S. Reimann, E. Eckart, R. Steinbrecher, J. Aalto, J. Arduini, N. Bonnaire, J. N. Cape, A. Colomb, R. Connolly, J. Diskova, P. Dumitrean, C. Ehlers, V. Gros, H. Hakola, M. Hill, J. R. Hopkins, J. Jäger, R. Junek, M. K. Kajos, D. Klemp, M. Leuchner, A. C. Lewis, N. Locoge, M. Maione, D. Martin, K. Michl, E. Nemitz, S. O'Doherty, P. Pérez Ballesta, T. M. Ruuskanen, S. Sauvage, N. Schmidbauer, T. G. Spain, E. Straube, M. Vana, M. K. Vollmer, R. Wegener, and A. Wenger
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 2715–2736,,, 2015
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The performance of 20 European laboratories involved in long-term non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) measurements was assessed with respect to ACTRIS and GAW data quality objectives. The participants were asked to measure both a 30-component NMHC mixture in nitrogen and whole air. The NMHCs were analysed either by GC-FID or GC-MS. Most systems performed well for the NMHC in nitrogen, whereas in air more scatter was observed. Reasons for this are explained in the paper.
T. Elias, J.-C. Dupont, E. Hammer, C. R. Hoyle, M. Haeffelin, F. Burnet, and D. Jolivet
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 6605–6623,,, 2015
C. Barbet, L. Deguillaume, N. Chaumerliac, M. Leriche, A. Berger, E. Freney, A. Colomb, K. Sellegri, L. Patryl, and P. Armand
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,,, 2015
Preprint withdrawn
C. Rose, K. Sellegri, E. Asmi, M. Hervo, E. Freney, A. Colomb, H. Junninen, J. Duplissy, M. Sipilä, J. Kontkanen, K. Lehtipalo, and M. Kulmala
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3413–3428,,, 2015
J.-E. Petit, O. Favez, J. Sciare, V. Crenn, R. Sarda-Estève, N. Bonnaire, G. Močnik, J.-C. Dupont, M. Haeffelin, and E. Leoz-Garziandia
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2985–3005,,, 2015
S. Visser, J. G. Slowik, M. Furger, P. Zotter, N. Bukowiecki, R. Dressler, U. Flechsig, K. Appel, D. C. Green, A. H. Tremper, D. E. Young, P. I. Williams, J. D. Allan, S. C. Herndon, L. R. Williams, C. Mohr, L. Xu, N. L. Ng, A. Detournay, J. F. Barlow, C. H. Halios, Z. L. Fleming, U. Baltensperger, and A. S. H. Prévôt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 2367–2386,,, 2015
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Ambient concentrations of trace elements with 2h time resolution were measured in three size ranges (PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0, PM1.0–0.3) at kerbside, urban background and rural sites in London during the ClearfLo (Clean Air for London) field campaign. Quantification of kerb and urban increments, and assessment of diurnal and weekly variability provided insight into sources governing urban air quality and the effects of urban micro-environments on human exposure.
C. Denjean, P. Formenti, B. Picquet-Varrault, M. Camredon, E. Pangui, P. Zapf, Y. Katrib, C. Giorio, A. Tapparo, B. Temime-Roussel, A. Monod, B. Aumont, and J. F. Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 883–897,,, 2015
J. Lee-Taylor, A. Hodzic, S. Madronich, B. Aumont, M. Camredon, and R. Valorso
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 595–615,,, 2015
J. Badosa, J. Wood, P. Blanc, C. N. Long, L. Vuilleumier, D. Demengel, and M. Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4267–4283,,, 2014
W. Ait-Helal, A. Borbon, S. Sauvage, J. A. de Gouw, A. Colomb, V. Gros, F. Freutel, M. Crippa, C. Afif, U. Baltensperger, M. Beekmann, J.-F. Doussin, R. Durand-Jolibois, I. Fronval, N. Grand, T. Leonardis, M. Lopez, V. Michoud, K. Miet, S. Perrier, A. S. H. Prévôt, J. Schneider, G. Siour, P. Zapf, and N. Locoge
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10439–10464,,, 2014
J. E. Williams, G. Le Bras, A. Kukui, H. Ziereis, and C. A. M. Brenninkmeijer
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 2363–2382,,, 2014
B. Gaubert, A. Coman, G. Foret, F. Meleux, A. Ung, L. Rouil, A. Ionescu, Y. Candau, and M. Beekmann
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 283–302,,, 2014
L. Deguillaume, T. Charbouillot, M. Joly, M. Vaïtilingom, M. Parazols, A. Marinoni, P. Amato, A.-M. Delort, V. Vinatier, A. Flossmann, N. Chaumerliac, J. M. Pichon, S. Houdier, P. Laj, K. Sellegri, A. Colomb, M. Brigante, and G. Mailhot
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1485–1506,,, 2014
E. J. Freney, K. Sellegri, F. Canonaco, A. Colomb, A. Borbon, V. Michoud, J.-F. Doussin, S. Crumeyrolle, N. Amarouche, J.-M. Pichon, T. Bourianne, L. Gomes, A. S. H. Prevot, M. Beekmann, and A. Schwarzenböeck
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 1397–1412,,, 2014
D. Cimini, F. De Angelis, J.-C. Dupont, S. Pal, and M. Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2941–2951,,, 2013
J.-L. Baray, Y. Courcoux, P. Keckhut, T. Portafaix, P. Tulet, J.-P. Cammas, A. Hauchecorne, S. Godin Beekmann, M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, F. Desmet, K. Sellegri, A. Colomb, M. Ramonet, J. Sciare, C. Vuillemin, C. Hoareau, D. Dionisi, V. Duflot, H. Vérèmes, J. Porteneuve, F. Gabarrot, T. Gaudo, J.-M. Metzger, G. Payen, J. Leclair de Bellevue, C. Barthe, F. Posny, P. Ricaud, A. Abchiche, and R. Delmas
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2865–2877,,, 2013
M. Lopez, M. Schmidt, M. Delmotte, A. Colomb, V. Gros, C. Janssen, S. J. Lehman, D. Mondelain, O. Perrussel, M. Ramonet, I. Xueref-Remy, and P. Bousquet
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 7343–7358,,, 2013
A. Waked, C. Seigneur, F. Couvidat, Y. Kim, K. Sartelet, C. Afif, A. Borbon, P. Formenti, and S. Sauvage
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5873–5886,,, 2013
Q. J. Zhang, M. Beekmann, F. Drewnick, F. Freutel, J. Schneider, M. Crippa, A. S. H. Prevot, U. Baltensperger, L. Poulain, A. Wiedensohler, J. Sciare, V. Gros, A. Borbon, A. Colomb, V. Michoud, J.-F. Doussin, H. A. C. Denier van der Gon, M. Haeffelin, J.-C. Dupont, G. Siour, H. Petetin, B. Bessagnet, S. N. Pandis, A. Hodzic, O. Sanchez, C. Honoré, and O. Perrussel
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5767–5790,,, 2013
G. Pappalardo, L. Mona, G. D'Amico, U. Wandinger, M. Adam, A. Amodeo, A. Ansmann, A. Apituley, L. Alados Arboledas, D. Balis, A. Boselli, J. A. Bravo-Aranda, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comeron, J. Cuesta, F. De Tomasi, V. Freudenthaler, M. Gausa, E. Giannakaki, H. Giehl, A. Giunta, I. Grigorov, S. Groß, M. Haeffelin, A. Hiebsch, M. Iarlori, D. Lange, H. Linné, F. Madonna, I. Mattis, R.-E. Mamouri, M. A. P. McAuliffe, V. Mitev, F. Molero, F. Navas-Guzman, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, M. R. Perrone, C. Pietras, A. Pietruczuk, G. Pisani, J. Preißler, M. Pujadas, V. Rizi, A. A. Ruth, J. Schmidt, F. Schnell, P. Seifert, I. Serikov, M. Sicard, V. Simeonov, N. Spinelli, K. Stebel, M. Tesche, T. Trickl, X. Wang, F. Wagner, M. Wiegner, and K. M. Wilson
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4429–4450,,, 2013
C. Mouchel-Vallon, P. Bräuer, M. Camredon, R. Valorso, S. Madronich, H. Herrmann, and B. Aumont
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 1023–1037,,, 2013
F. Freutel, J. Schneider, F. Drewnick, S.-L. von der Weiden-Reinmüller, M. Crippa, A. S. H. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, L. Poulain, A. Wiedensohler, J. Sciare, R. Sarda-Estève, J. F. Burkhart, S. Eckhardt, A. Stohl, V. Gros, A. Colomb, V. Michoud, J. F. Doussin, A. Borbon, M. Haeffelin, Y. Morille, M. Beekmann, and S. Borrmann
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 933–959,,, 2013
V. Michoud, A. Kukui, M. Camredon, A. Colomb, A. Borbon, K. Miet, B. Aumont, M. Beekmann, R. Durand-Jolibois, S. Perrier, P. Zapf, G. Siour, W. Ait-Helal, N. Locoge, S. Sauvage, C. Afif, V. Gros, M. Furger, G. Ancellet, and J. F. Doussin
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11951–11974,,, 2012
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Diurnal, seasonal, and interannual variations in δ(18O) of atmospheric O2 and its application to evaluate natural and anthropogenic changes in oxygen, carbon, and water cycles
Cloud processing of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) oxidation products limits sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbonyl sulfide (OCS) production in the eastern North Atlantic marine boundary layer
Atmospheric carbonyl compounds are crucial in regional ozone heavy pollution: insights from the Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeration, China
Understanding summertime peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) formation and its relation to aerosol pollution: insights from high-resolution measurements and modeling
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Molecular and seasonal characteristics of organic vapors in urban Beijing: insights from Vocus-PTR measurements
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On the dynamics of ozone depletion events at Villum Research Station in the High Arctic
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 2551–2568,,, 2025
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As a key source of hydroxyl (OH) radical, nitrous acid (HONO) has attracted much attention for its important role in the atmospheric oxidant capacity (AOC) increase. In this study, we made a comparison of the ambient levels, variation patterns, sources, and formation pathway in the warm season on the basis of continuous intensive observations at an urban site of Beijing. This work highlights the importance of HONO for the AOC in the warm season.
Xiao-Bing Li, Bin Yuan, Yibo Huangfu, Suxia Yang, Xin Song, Jipeng Qi, Xianjun He, Sihang Wang, Yubin Chen, Qing Yang, Yongxin Song, Yuwen Peng, Guiqian Tang, Jian Gao, Dasa Gu, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 2459–2472,,, 2025
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Online vertical gradient measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone, and NOx were conducted based on a 325 m tall tower in urban Beijing. Vertical changes in the concentrations, compositions, key drivers, and environmental impacts of VOCs were analyzed in this study. We find that VOC species display differentiated vertical variation patterns and distinct roles in contributing to photochemical ozone formation with increasing height in the urban planetary boundary layer.
Shigeyuki Ishidoya, Satoshi Sugawara, and Atsushi Okazaki
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 1965–1987,,, 2025
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The 18O/16O ratio of atmospheric oxygen, δatm(18O), is higher than that of ocean water due to isotopic effects during biospheric activities. This is known as the Dole–Morita effect, and its millennial-scale variations are recorded in ice cores. However, small variations of δatm(18O) in the present day have never been detected so far. This paper presents the first observations of diurnal, seasonal, and secular variations in δatm(18O) and applies them to evaluate oxygen, carbon, and water cycles.
Delaney B. Kilgour, Christopher M. Jernigan, Olga Garmash, Sneha Aggarwal, Shengqian Zhou, Claudia Mohr, Matt E. Salter, Joel A. Thornton, Jian Wang, Paul Zieger, and Timothy H. Bertram
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 1931–1947,,, 2025
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We report simultaneous measurements of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and hydroperoxymethyl thioformate (HPMTF) in the eastern North Atlantic. We use an observationally constrained box model to show that cloud loss is the dominant sink of HPMTF in this region over 6 weeks, resulting in large reductions in DMS-derived products that contribute to aerosol formation and growth. Our findings indicate that fast cloud processing of HPMTF must be included in global models to accurately capture the sulfur cycle.
Jiemeng Bao, Xin Zhang, Zhenhai Wu, Li Zhou, Jun Qian, Qinwen Tan, Fumo Yang, Junhui Chen, Yunfeng Li, Hefan Liu, Liqun Deng, and Hong Li
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 1899–1916,,, 2025
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We studied carbonyl compounds' role in ozone pollution in the Chengdu Plain Urban Agglomeration, China. During heavy pollution in August 2019, we measured carbonyls at nine sites and analyzed their impact. Areas with higher carbonyl levels, like Chengdu, had worse ozone pollution. While their abundance matters, chemical reactions with other pollutants are the main drivers. Our findings show regional cooperation is vital to reducing ozone pollution effectively.
Baoye Hu, Naihua Chen, Rui Li, Mingqiang Huang, Jinsheng Chen, Youwei Hong, Lingling Xu, Xiaolong Fan, Mengren Li, Lei Tong, Qiuping Zheng, and Yuxiang Yang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 905–921,,, 2025
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Box modeling with the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) was used to explore summertime peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) formation and its link to aerosol pollution under high-ozone conditions. The MCM model is effective in the study of PAN photochemical formation and performed better during the clean period than the haze period. Machine learning analysis identified ammonia, nitrate, and fine particulate matter as the top three factors contributing to simulation bias.
Xiansheng Liu, Xun Zhang, Marvin Dufresne, Tao Wang, Lijie Wu, Rosa Lara, Roger Seco, Marta Monge, Ana Maria Yáñez-Serrano, Marie Gohy, Paul Petit, Audrey Chevalier, Marie-Pierre Vagnot, Yann Fortier, Alexia Baudic, Véronique Ghersi, Grégory Gille, Ludovic Lanzi, Valérie Gros, Leïla Simon, Heidi Héllen, Stefan Reimann, Zoé Le Bras, Michelle Jessy Müller, David Beddows, Siqi Hou, Zongbo Shi, Roy M. Harrison, William Bloss, James Dernie, Stéphane Sauvage, Philip K. Hopke, Xiaoli Duan, Taicheng An, Alastair C. Lewis, James R. Hopkins, Eleni Liakakou, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, Xiaohu Zhang, Andrés Alastuey, Xavier Querol, and Thérèse Salameh
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 625–638,,, 2025
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This study examines BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) pollution in urban areas across seven European countries. Analyzing data from 22 monitoring sites, we found traffic and industrial activities significantly impact BTEX levels, with peaks during rush hours. The risk from BTEX exposure remains moderate, especially in high-traffic and industrial zones, highlighting the need for targeted air quality management to protect public health and improve urban air quality.
Yuening Li, Faqiang Zhan, Chubashini Shunthirasingham, Ying Duan Lei, Jenny Oh, Amina Ben Chaaben, Zhe Lu, Kelsey Lee, Frank A. P. C. Gobas, Hayley Hung, and Frank Wania
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 459–472,,, 2025
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Organophosphate esters are important humanmade trace contaminants. Measuring them in the atmospheric gas phase, particles, precipitation, and surface water in Canada, we explore seasonal concentration variability, gas–particle partitioning, precipitation scavenging, and the air–water equilibrium. Whereas higher summer concentrations and efficient precipitation scavenging conform with expectations, the lack of a relationship between compound volatility and gas–particle partitioning is puzzling.
Fanhao Meng, Baobin Han, Min Qin, Wu Fang, Ke Tang, Dou Shao, Zhitang Liao, Jun Duan, Yan Feng, Yong Huang, Ting Ni, and Pinhua Xie
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 14191–14208,,, 2024
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Comprehensive observations of HONO and NOx fluxes were conducted over paddy fields in the Huaihe River Basin. Consecutive peaks in HONO and NO fluxes suggest a potentially enhanced release of HONO and NO due to soil tillage, whereas waterlogged soil may inhibit microbial nitrification processes following irrigation. Notably, biological processes and light-driven NO2 reactions at the surface may serve as sources of HONO and influence the local HONO budget during rotary tillage.
Timur Cinay, Dickon Young, Nazaret Narváez Jimenez, Cristina Vintimilla-Palacios, Ariel Pila Alonso, Paul B. Krummel, William Vizuete, and Andrew R. Babbin
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We present the initial 15 months of nitrous oxide measurements from the Galapagos Emissions Monitoring Station. The observed variability in atmospheric mole fractions during this period can be linked to several factors: seasonal variations in trade wind speed and direction across the eastern Pacific, differences in the transport history of air masses sampled, and spatiotemporal heterogeneity in regional marine nitrous oxide emissions from coastal upwelling systems of Peru and Chile.
Zhaojin An, Rujing Yin, Xinyan Zhao, Xiaoxiao Li, Yuyang Li, Yi Yuan, Junchen Guo, Yiqi Zhao, Xue Li, Dandan Li, Yaowei Li, Dongbin Wang, Chao Yan, Kebin He, Douglas R. Worsnop, Frank N. Keutsch, and Jingkun Jiang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13793–13810,,, 2024
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Online Vocus-PTR measurements show the compositions and seasonal variations in organic vapors in urban Beijing. With enhanced sensitivity and mass resolution, various species at a level of sub-parts per trillion (ppt) and organics with multiple oxygens (≥ 3) were observed. The fast photooxidation process in summer leads to an increase in both concentration and proportion of organics with multiple oxygens, while, in other seasons, the variations in them could be influenced by mixed sources.
Bowen Zhang, Dong Zhang, Zhe Dong, Xinshuai Song, Ruiqin Zhang, and Xiao Li
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13587–13601,,, 2024
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To gain insight into the impact of changes due to epidemic control policies, we undertook continuous online monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at an urban site in Zhengzhou over a 2-month period. This study examines the characteristics of VOCs, their sources, and their temporal evolution. It also assesses the impact of the policy change on VOC pollution during the monitoring period, thus providing a basis for further research on VOC pollution and source control.
Jakob Boyd Pernov, Jens Liengaard Hjorth, Lise Lotte Sørensen, and Henrik Skov
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13603–13631,,, 2024
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Arctic ozone depletion events (ODEs) occur every spring and have vast implications for the oxidizing capacity, radiative balance, and mercury oxidation. In this study, we analyze ozone, ODEs, and their connection to meteorological and air mass history variables through statistical analyses, back trajectories, and machine learning (ML) at Villum Research Station. ODEs are favorable under sunny, calm conditions with air masses arriving from northerly wind directions with sea ice contact.
Hagninou Elagnon Venance Donnou, Aristide Barthélémy Akpo, Money Ossohou, Claire Delon, Véronique Yoboué, Dungall Laouali, Marie Ouafo-Leumbe, Pieter Gideon Van Zyl, Ousmane Ndiaye, Eric Gardrat, Maria Dias-Alves, and Corinne Galy-Lacaux
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13151–13182,,, 2024
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Ozone is a secondary air pollutant that is detrimental to human and plant health. A better understanding of its chemical evolution is a challenge for Africa, where it is still undersampled. Out of 14 sites examined (1995–2020), high levels of O3 are reported in southern Africa. The dominant chemical processes leading to O3 formation are identified. A decrease in O3 is observed at Katibougou (Mali) and Banizoumbou (Niger), and an increase is found at Zoétélé (Cameroon) and Skukuza (South Africa).
Junwei Song, Georgios I. Gkatzelis, Ralf Tillmann, Nicolas Brüggemann, Thomas Leisner, and Harald Saathoff
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13199–13217,,, 2024
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Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and organic aerosol (OA) particles were measured online in a stressed spruce-dominated forest. OA was mainly attributed to the monoterpene oxidation products. The mixing ratios of BVOCs were higher than the values previously measured in other temperate forests. The results demonstrate that BVOCs are influenced not only by meteorology and biogenic emissions but also by local anthropogenic emissions and subsequent chemical transformation processes.
Sachin Mishra, Vinayak Sinha, Haseeb Hakkim, Arpit Awasthi, Sachin D. Ghude, Vijay Kumar Soni, Narendra Nigam, Baerbel Sinha, and Madhavan N. Rajeevan
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 13129–13150,,, 2024
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We quantified 111 gases using mass spectrometry to understand how seasonal and emission changes lead from clean air in the monsoon season to extremely polluted air in the post-monsoon season in Delhi. Averaged total mass concentrations (260 µg m-3) were > 4 times in polluted periods, driven by biomass burning emissions and reduced atmospheric ventilation. Reactive gaseous nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur compounds hitherto unreported from such a polluted environment were discovered.
Gérard Ancellet, Camille Viatte, Anne Boynard, François Ravetta, Jacques Pelon, Cristelle Cailteau-Fischbach, Pascal Genau, Julie Capo, Axel Roy, and Philippe Nédélec
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12963–12983,,, 2024
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Characterization of ozone pollution in urban areas benefited from a measurement campaign in summer 2022 in the Paris region. The analysis is based on 21 d of lidar and aircraft observations. The main objective is an analysis of the sensitivity of ozone pollution to the micrometeorological processes in the urban atmospheric boundary layer and the transport of regional pollution. The paper also discusses to what extent satellite observations can track observed ozone plumes.
Xiaoyi Zhang, Wanyun Xu, Weili Lin, Gen Zhang, Jinjian Geng, Li Zhou, Huarong Zhao, Sanxue Ren, Guangsheng Zhou, Jianmin Chen, and Xiaobin Xu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12323–12340,,, 2024
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Ozone (O3) deposition is a key process that removes surface O3, affecting air quality, ecosystems and climate change. We conducted O3 deposition measurement over a wheat canopy using a newly relaxed eddy accumulation flux system. Large variabilities in O3 deposition were detected, mainly determined by crop growth and modulated by various environmental factors. More O3 deposition observations over different surfaces are needed for exploring deposition mechanisms and model optimization.
Shuwen Guo, Xuan Zheng, Xiao He, Lewei Zeng, Liqiang He, Xian Wu, Yifei Dai, Zihao Huang, Ting Chen, Shupei Xiao, Yan You, Sheng Xiang, Shaojun Zhang, Jingkun Jiang, and Ye Wu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We considered two potential influencing factors of heavy-duty diesel vehicle emissions that are rarely mentioned in the literature: cumulative mileage and ambient temperatures. The results suggest that the prolong use of the heavy-duty diesel vehicles and low ambient temperatures lead to reduced engine combustion efficiency, which in turn increases tailpipe emissions significantly.
Chunmeng Li, Xiaorui Chen, Haichao Wang, Tianyu Zhai, Xuefei Ma, Xinping Yang, Shiyi Chen, Min Zhou, Shengrong Lou, Xin Li, Limin Zeng, and Keding Lu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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This study reports an observation of organic nitrate (including total peroxy nitrates and total alkyl nitrates) in Shanghai, China during the summer of 2021, by a homemade thermal dissociation cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer (TD-CEAS, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 4033–4051, 2021). The distribution of organic nitrates and their effects on local ozone production are analyzed based on the field observation in conjunction with model simulation.
Honglei Wang, David W. Tarasick, Jane Liu, Herman G. J. Smit, Roeland Van Malderen, Lijuan Shen, Romain Blot, and Tianliang Zhao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11927–11942,,, 2024
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In this study, we identify 23 suitable pairs of sites from World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) and In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) datasets (1995 to 2021), compare the average vertical distributions of tropospheric O3 from ozonesonde and aircraft measurements, and analyze the differences based on ozonesonde type and station–airport distance.
Noémie Taquet, Wolfgang Stremme, María Eugenia González del Castillo, Victor Almanza, Alejandro Bezanilla, Olivier Laurent, Carlos Alberti, Frank Hase, Michel Ramonet, Thomas Lauvaux, Ke Che, and Michel Grutter
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11823–11848,,, 2024
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We characterize the variability in CO and CO2 emissions over Mexico City from long-term time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy solar absorption and surface measurements from 2013 to 2021. Using the average intraday CO growth rate from total columns, the average CO / CO2 ratio and TROPOMI data, we estimate the interannual variability in the CO and CO2 anthropogenic emissions of Mexico City, highlighting the effect of an unprecedented drop in activity due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Akima Ringsdorf, Achim Edtbauer, Bruna Holanda, Christopher Poehlker, Marta O. Sá, Alessandro Araújo, Jürgen Kesselmeier, Jos Lelieveld, and Jonathan Williams
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11883–11910,,, 2024
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We show the average height distribution of separately observed aldehydes and ketones over a day and discuss their rainforest-specific sources and sinks as well as their seasonal changes above the Amazon. Ketones have much longer atmospheric lifetimes than aldehydes and thus different implications for atmospheric chemistry. However, they are commonly observed together, which we overcome by measuring with a NO+ chemical ionization mass spectrometer for the first time in the Amazon rainforest.
Theresa Harlass, Rebecca Dischl, Stefan Kaufmann, Raphael Märkl, Daniel Sauer, Monika Scheibe, Paul Stock, Tiziana Bräuer, Andreas Dörnbrack, Anke Roiger, Hans Schlager, Ulrich Schumann, Magdalena Pühl, Tobias Schripp, Tobias Grein, Linda Bondorf, Charles Renard, Maxime Gauthier, Mark Johnson, Darren Luff, Paul Madden, Peter Swann, Denise Ahrens, Reetu Sallinen, and Christiane Voigt
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11807–11822,,, 2024
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Emissions from aircraft have a direct impact on our climate. Here, we present airborne and ground-based measurement data of nitrogen oxides that were collected in the exhaust of an Airbus aircraft. We study the impact of burning fossil and sustainable aviation fuel on nitrogen oxide emissions at different engine settings related to combustor temperature, pressure and fuel flow. Further, we compare observations with engine emission models.
Mingxue Li, Men Xia, Chunshui Lin, Yifan Jiang, Weihang Sun, Yurun Wang, Yingnan Zhang, Maoxia He, and Tao Wang
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Our field campaigns observed a strong diel pattern of chloroacetic acid as well as a strong correlation between its level and those of reactive chlorine species at a coastal site. Using quantum chemical calculations and box model simulation with updated MCM, we found that the formation pathway of chloroacetic acid involved multiphase processes. Our study deepens the understanding of atmospheric VOC-Cl chemistry and highlights the crucial role of multiphase reactions in atmospheric chemistry.
Xudong Zheng and Shaodong Xie
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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To reduce uncertainties in identifying key volatile organic compounds (VOCs) affecting ozone (O3) formation, this study focused on identifying key species based on initial VOC concentrations. Using reaction rates and observed VOCs concentrations, we calculated initial VOCs concentrations during the day and the night. Initial concentrations of alkenes and aromatics were higher than observed ones. Conversely, initial oxygenated VOC concentrations were lower than observed concentrations.
Simone T. Andersen, Max R. McGillen, Chaoyang Xue, Tobias Seubert, Patrick Dewald, Gunther N. T. E. Türk, Jan Schuladen, Cyrielle Denjean, Jean-Claude Etienne, Olivier Garrouste, Marina Jamar, Sergio Harb, Manuela Cirtog, Vincent Michoud, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antonin Bergé, Christopher Cantrell, Sebastien Dusanter, Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault, Alexandre Kukui, Abdelwahid Mellouki, Lucy J. Carpenter, Jos Lelieveld, and John N. Crowley
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11603–11618,,, 2024
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Using measurements of various trace gases in a suburban forest near Paris in the summer of 2022, we were able to gain insight into the sources and sinks of NOx (NO+NO2) with a special focus on their nighttime chemical and physical loss processes. NO was observed as a result of nighttime soil emissions when O3 levels were strongly depleted by deposition. NO oxidation products were not observed at night, indicating that soil and/or foliar surfaces are an efficient sink of reactive N.
Lee Tiszenkel, James H. Flynn, and Shan-Hu Lee
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 11351–11363,,, 2024
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Ammonia and amines are important ingredients for aerosol formation in urban environments, but the measurements of these compounds are extremely challenging. Our observations show that urban ammonia and amines in Houston are emitted from urban sources, and diurnal variations in their concentrations are likely governed by gas-to-particle conversion and emissions.
Arpit Awasthi, Baerbel Sinha, Haseeb Hakkim, Sachin Mishra, Varkrishna Mummidivarapu, Gurmanjot Singh, Sachin D. Ghude, Vijay Kumar Soni, Narendra Nigam, Vinayak Sinha, and Madhavan N. Rajeevan
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10279–10304,,, 2024
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We use 111 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), PM10, and PM2.5 in a positive matrix factorization (PMF) model to resolve 11 pollution sources validated with chemical fingerprints. Crop residue burning and heating account for ~ 50 % of the PM, while traffic and industrial emissions dominate the gas-phase VOC burden and formation potential of secondary organic aerosols (> 60 %). Non-tailpipe emissions from compressed-natural-gas-fuelled commercial vehicles dominate the transport sector's PM burden.
Luke D. Schiferl, Cong Cao, Bronte Dalton, Andrew Hallward-Driemeier, Ricardo Toledo-Crow, and Róisín Commane
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10129–10142,,, 2024
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Carbon monoxide (CO) is an air pollutant and an important indicator of the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels in cities. Using 4 years of winter and spring observations in New York City, we found that both the magnitude and variability of CO from the metropolitan area are greater than expected. Transportation emissions cannot explain the missing and variable CO, which points to energy from buildings as a likely underappreciated source of urban air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Chengzhi Xing, Cheng Liu, Chunxiang Ye, Jingkai Xue, Hongyu Wu, Xiangguang Ji, Jinping Ou, and Qihou Hu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 10093–10112,,, 2024
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We identified the contributions of ozone (O3) and nitrous acid (HONO) to the production rates of hydroxide (OH) in vertical space on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). A new insight was offered: the contributions of HONO and O3 to the production rates of OH on the TP are even greater than in lower-altitudes areas. This study enriches the understanding of vertical distribution of atmospheric components and explains the strong atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC) on the TP.
Xinyuan Zhang, Lingling Wang, Nan Wang, Shuangliang Ma, Shenbo Wang, Ruiqin Zhang, Dong Zhang, Mingkai Wang, and Hongyu Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9885–9898,,, 2024
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This study highlights the importance of the redox reaction of NO2 with SO2 based on actual atmospheric observations. The particle pH in future China is expected to rise steadily. Consequently, this reaction could become a significant source of HONO in China. Therefore, it is crucial to coordinate the control of SO2, NOx, and NH3 emissions to avoid a rapid increase in the particle pH.
Jun Zhou, Chunsheng Zhang, Aiming Liu, Bin Yuan, Yan Wang, Wenjie Wang, Jie-Ping Zhou, Yixin Hao, Xiao-Bing Li, Xianjun He, Xin Song, Yubin Chen, Suxia Yang, Shuchun Yang, Yanfeng Wu, Bin Jiang, Shan Huang, Junwen Liu, Yuwen Peng, Jipeng Qi, Minhui Deng, Bowen Zhong, Yibo Huangfu, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9805–9826,,, 2024
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In-depth understanding of the near-ground vertical variability in photochemical ozone (O3) formation is crucial for mitigating O3 pollution. Utilizing a self-built vertical observation system, a direct net photochemical O3 production rate detection system, and an observation-based model, we diagnosed the vertical distributions and formation mechanism of net photochemical O3 production rates and sensitivity in the Pearl River Delta region, one of the most O3-polluted areas in China.
Eleanor J. Derry, Tyler R. Elgiar, Taylor Y. Wilmot, Nicholas W. Hoch, Noah S. Hirshorn, Peter Weiss-Penzias, Christopher F. Lee, John C. Lin, A. Gannet Hallar, Rainer Volkamer, Seth N. Lyman, and Lynne E. Gratz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9615–9643,,, 2024
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Mercury (Hg) is a globally distributed neurotoxic pollutant. Atmospheric deposition is the main source of Hg in ecosystems. However, measurement biases hinder understanding of the origins and abundance of the more bioavailable oxidized form. We used an improved, calibrated measurement system to study air mass composition and transport of atmospheric Hg at a remote mountaintop site in the central US. Oxidized Hg originated upwind in the low to middle free troposphere under clean, dry conditions.
Renzhi Hu, Guoxian Zhang, Haotian Cai, Jingyi Guo, Keding Lu, Xin Li, Shengrong Lou, Zhaofeng Tan, Changjin Hu, Pinhua Xie, and Wenqing Liu
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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A full suite of radical measurements (OH, HO2, RO2, and kOH) was established to accurately elucidate the limitations of oxidation in chemical-complex atmosphere. Sensitivity tests revealed that the incorporation of complex processes enabled a balance in both radical concentrations and coordinate ratios, and effectively addressing the deficiency in the ozone generation mechanism. The full-chain radical detection untangled a gap-bridge between the photochemistry and the intensive oxidation level.
Benjamin A. Nault, Katherine R. Travis, James H. Crawford, Donald R. Blake, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Ronald C. Cohen, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin, Samuel R. Hall, L. Gregory Huey, Jose L. Jimenez, Kyung-Eun Min, Young Ro Lee, Isobel J. Simpson, Kirk Ullmann, and Armin Wisthaler
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 9573–9595,,, 2024
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Ozone (O3) is a pollutant formed from the reactions of gases emitted from various sources. In urban areas, the density of human activities can increase the O3 formation rate (P(O3)), thus impacting air quality and health. Observations collected over Seoul, South Korea, are used to constrain P(O3). A high local P(O3) was found; however, local P(O3) was partly reduced due to compounds typically ignored. These observations also provide constraints for unmeasured compounds that will impact P(O3).
Fan Zhang, Binyu Xiao, Zeyu Liu, Yan Zhang, Chongguo Tian, Rui Li, Can Wu, Yali Lei, Si Zhang, Xinyi Wan, Yubao Chen, Yong Han, Min Cui, Cheng Huang, Hongli Wang, Yingjun Chen, and Gehui Wang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8999–9017,,, 2024
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Mandatory use of low-sulfur fuel due to global sulfur limit regulations means large uncertainties in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. On-board tests of VOCs from nine cargo ships in China were carried out. Results showed that switching from heavy-fuel oil to diesel increased emission factor VOCs by 48 % on average, enhancing O3 and the secondary organic aerosol formation potential. Thus, implementing a global ultra-low-sulfur oil policy needs to be optimized in the near future.
Patrick Dewald, Tobias Seubert, Simone T. Andersen, Gunther N. T. E. Türk, Jan Schuladen, Max R. McGillen, Cyrielle Denjean, Jean-Claude Etienne, Olivier Garrouste, Marina Jamar, Sergio Harb, Manuela Cirtog, Vincent Michoud, Mathieu Cazaunau, Antonin Bergé, Christopher Cantrell, Sebastien Dusanter, Bénédicte Picquet-Varrault, Alexandre Kukui, Chaoyang Xue, Abdelwahid Mellouki, Jos Lelieveld, and John N. Crowley
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8983–8997,,, 2024
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In the scope of a field campaign in a suburban forest near Paris in the summer of 2022, we measured the reactivity of the nitrate radical NO3 towards biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs; e.g. monoterpenes) mainly below but also above the canopy. NO3 reactivity was the highest during nights with strong temperature inversions and decreased strongly with height. Reactions with BVOCs were the main removal process of NO3 throughout the diel cycle below the canopy.
Jian Wang, Lei Xue, Qianyao Ma, Feng Xu, Gaobin Xu, Shibo Yan, Jiawei Zhang, Jianlong Li, Honghai Zhang, Guiling Zhang, and Zhaohui Chen
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8721–8736,,, 2024
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This study investigated the distribution and sources of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in the lower atmosphere over the marginal seas of China. NMHCs, a subset of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), play a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry. Derived from systematic atmospheric sampling in coastal cities and marginal sea regions, this study offers valuable insights into the interaction between land and sea in shaping offshore atmospheric NMHCs.
Yusheng Zhang, Feixue Zheng, Zemin Feng, Chaofan Lian, Weigang Wang, Xiaolong Fan, Wei Ma, Zhuohui Lin, Chang Li, Gen Zhang, Chao Yan, Ying Zhang, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Federico Bianch, Tuukka Petäjä, Juha Kangasluoma, Markku Kulmala, and Yongchun Liu
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8569–8587,,, 2024
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The nitrous acid (HONO) budget was validated during a COVID-19 lockdown event. The main conclusions are (1) HONO concentrations showed a significant decrease from 0.97 to 0.53 ppb during lockdown; (2) vehicle emissions accounted for 53 % of nighttime sources, with the heterogeneous conversion of NO2 on ground surfaces more important than aerosol; and (3) the dominant daytime source shifted from the homogenous reaction between NO and OH (51 %) to nitrate photolysis (53 %) during lockdown.
Dong Zhang, Xiao Li, Minghao Yuan, Yifei Xu, Qixiang Xu, Fangcheng Su, Shenbo Wang, and Ruiqin Zhang
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8549–8567,,, 2024
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The increasing concentration of O3 precursors and unfavorable meteorological conditions are key factors in the formation of O3 pollution in Zhengzhou. Vehicular exhausts (28 %), solvent usage (27 %), and industrial production (22 %) are identified as the main sources of NMVOCs. Moreover, O3 formation in Zhengzhou is found to be in an anthropogenic volatile organic compound (AVOC)-limited regime. Thus, to reduce O3 formation, a minimum AVOCs / NOx reduction ratio ≥ 3 : 1 is recommended.
Petra Bauerová, Josef Keder, Adriana Šindelářová, Ondřej Vlček, William Patiño, Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krč, Jan Geletič, Hynek Řezníček, Martin Bureš, Kryštof Eben, Michal Belda, Jelena Radović, Vladimír Fuka, Radek Jareš, and Igor Ezau
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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We implemented an observation campaign focused on street-level air quality and vertical meteorological profile measurement in Prague using low-cost sensors and remote sensing devices. Low-cost sensors have undergone long-term field testing, own data correction and drift evaluation procedures. A high level of NO2 pollution was confirmed due to the traffic load in streets, peaks of aerosol pollution appeared more under inversion conditions. The data will be further used for PALM model validation.
Arianna Peron, Martin Graus, Marcus Striednig, Christian Lamprecht, Georg Wohlfahrt, and Thomas Karl
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7063–7083,,, 2024
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The anthropogenic fraction of non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions associated with biogenic sources (e.g., terpenes) is investigated based on eddy covariance observations. The anthropogenic fraction of terpene emissions is strongly dependent on season. When analyzing volatile chemical product (VCP) emissions in urban environments, we caution that observations from short-term campaigns might over-/underestimate their significance depending on local and seasonal circumstances.
Sihang Wang, Bin Yuan, Xianjun He, Ru Cui, Xin Song, Yubin Chen, Caihong Wu, Chaomin Wang, Yibo Huangfu, Xiao-Bing Li, Boguang Wang, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7101–7121,,, 2024
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Emissions of reactive organic gases from industrial volatile chemical product sources are measured. There are large differences among these industrial sources. We show that oxygenated species account for significant contributions to reactive organic gas emissions, especially for industrial sources utilizing water-borne chemicals.
Qing Yang, Xiao-Bing Li, Bin Yuan, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Yibo Huangfu, Lei Yang, Xianjun He, Jipeng Qi, and Min Shao
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 6865–6882,,, 2024
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Online vertical gradient measurements of formic and isocyanic acids were made based on a 320 m tower in a megacity. Vertical variations and sources of the two acids were analyzed in this study. We find that formic and isocyanic acids exhibited positive vertical gradients and were mainly contributed by photochemical formations. The formation of formic and isocyanic acids was also significantly enhanced in urban regions aloft.
Junwei Song, Harald Saathoff, Feng Jiang, Linyu Gao, Hengheng Zhang, and Thomas Leisner
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 6699–6717,,, 2024
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This study presents concurrent online measurements of organic gas and particles (VOCs and OA) at a forested site in summer. Both VOCs and OA were largely contributed by oxygenated organic compounds. Semi-volatile oxygenated OA and organic nitrate formed from monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes contributed significantly to nighttime particle growth. The results help us to understand the causes of nighttime particle growth regularly observed in summer in central European rural forested environments.
Xin Yang, Kimberly Strong, Alison S. Criscitiello, Marta Santos-Garcia, Kristof Bognar, Xiaoyi Zhao, Pierre Fogal, Kaley A. Walker, Sara M. Morris, and Peter Effertz
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5863–5886,,, 2024
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This study uses snow samples collected from a Canadian high Arctic site, Eureka, to demonstrate that surface snow in early spring is a net sink of atmospheric bromine and nitrogen. Surface snow bromide and nitrate are significantly correlated, indicating the oxidation of reactive nitrogen is accelerated by reactive bromine. In addition, we show evidence that snow photochemical release of reactive bromine is very weak, and its emission flux is much smaller than the deposition flux of bromide.
Rebecca M. Garland, Katye E. Altieri, Laura Dawidowski, Laura Gallardo, Aderiana Mbandi, Nestor Y. Rojas, and N'datchoh E. Touré
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5757–5764,,, 2024
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This opinion piece focuses on two geographical areas in the Global South where the authors are based that are underrepresented in atmospheric science. This opinion provides context on common challenges and constraints, with suggestions on how the community can address these. The focus is on the strengths of atmospheric science research in these regions. It is these strengths, we believe, that highlight the critical role of Global South researchers in the future of atmospheric science research.
Heidi Hellén, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Kaisa Kraft, Jukka Seppälä, Mika Vestenius, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Lauri Laakso, and Hannele Hakola
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4717–4731,,, 2024
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Mixing ratios of C2-C5 NMHCs and methanethiol were measured on an island in the Baltic Sea using an in situ gas chromatograph. Shipping emissions were found to be an important source of ethene, ethyne, propene, and benzene. High summertime mixing ratios of methanethiol and dependence of mixing ratios on seawater temperature and height indicated the biogenic origin to possibly be phytoplankton or macroalgae. These emissions may have a strong impact on SO2 production and new particle formation.
Matthew M. Coggon, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Lu Xu, Jeff Peischl, Jessica B. Gilman, Aaron Lamplugh, Henry J. Bowman, Kenneth Aikin, Colin Harkins, Qindan Zhu, Rebecca H. Schwantes, Jian He, Meng Li, Karl Seltzer, Brian McDonald, and Carsten Warneke
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 4289–4304,,, 2024
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Residential and commercial cooking emits pollutants that degrade air quality. Here, ambient observations show that cooking is an important contributor to anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted in Las Vegas, NV. These emissions are not fully presented in air quality models, and more work may be needed to quantify emissions from important sources, such as commercial restaurants.
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