Articles | Volume 21, issue 23
Research article
07 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2021

Observation and modeling of high-7Be concentration events at the surface in northern Europe associated with the instability of the Arctic polar vortex in early 2003

Erika Brattich, Hongyu Liu, Bo Zhang, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Ceballos, Jussi Paatero, Darko Sarvan, Vladimir Djurdjevic, Laura Tositti, and Jelena Ajtić

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Processes controlling the seasonal variations in 210Pb and 7Be at the Mt. Cimone WMO-GAW global station, Italy: a model analysis
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Subject: Dynamics | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Ajtić, J., Djurdjevic, V., Sarvan, D., Brattich, E., and Hernández-Ceballos, M.A.: Analysis of extreme beryllium-7 specific activities in surface air, Radiation & Applications, 1, 216–221,, 2016. 
Ajtić, J. V., Sarvan D., Djurdjevic, V. S., Hernández-Ceballos, M. A., and Brattich, E.: Beryllium-7 surface concentration extremes in Europe, Facta Universitatis – Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 15, 45–55, 2017. 
Ajtić, J., Brattich, E., Sarvan, D., Djurdjevic, V., and Hernández-Ceballos, M. A.: Factors affecting the 7Be surface concentration and its extremely high occurrences over the Scandinavian Peninsula during autumn and winter, Chemosphere, 199, 278–285,, 2018. 
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Short summary
In this study we analyse the output of a chemistry and transport model together with observations of different meteorological and compositional variables to demonstrate the link between sudden stratospheric warming and transport of stratospheric air to the surface in the subpolar regions of Europe during the cold season. Our findings have particular implications for atmospheric composition since climate projections indicate more frequent sudden stratospheric warming under a warmer climate.
Final-revised paper