Articles | Volume 19, issue 1
Research article
02 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 02 Jan 2019

The significant contribution of HONO to secondary pollutants during a severe winter pollution event in southern China

Xiao Fu, Tao Wang, Li Zhang, Qinyi Li, Zhe Wang, Men Xia, Hui Yun, Weihao Wang, Chuan Yu, Dingli Yue, Yan Zhou, Junyun Zheng, and Rui Han

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Short summary
This study has identified the major contributors to the observed high HONO levels during a severe winter pollution episode and highlighted the importance of HONO chemistry in the combined photochemical and haze pollution in a subtropical region. It also highlighted the critical need to include and update HONO sources in regional air quality models in order to predict ozone and other secondary pollutants better during heavy pollution events in southern China and similar regions.
Final-revised paper