Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
16 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 16 Jun 2017

TEMIS UV product validation using NILU-UV ground-based measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece

Melina-Maria Zempila, Jos H. G. M. van Geffen, Michael Taylor, Ilias Fountoulakis, Maria-Elissavet Koukouli, Michiel van Weele, Ronald J. van der A, Alkiviadis Bais, Charikleia Meleti, and Dimitrios Balis

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Preprint under review for ESSD
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Subject: Radiation | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Mesosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

Allaart, M., van Weele, M., Fortuin, P., and Kelder, H.: An empirical model to predict the UV-index based on solar zenith angles and total ozone, Meteorol. Appl., 11, 59–65, 2004.
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Bais, A., Zerefos, C., Ziomas, I., Zoumakis, N., Mantis, H., Hofmann, D., and Fiocco, G.: Decreases in the Ozone and the S02 Columns Following the Appearence of the El Chichon Aerosol Cloud at Midlatitude, in: Atmospheric Ozone, Springer, 353–356, 1985.
Bais, A. F., Kazantzidis, A., Kazadzis, S., Balis, D. S., Zerefos, C. S., and Meleti, C.: Deriving an effective aerosol single scattering albedo from spectral surface UV irradiance measurements, Atmos. Environ., 39, 1093–1102, 2005.
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NILU irradiances at five UV channels were used to produce CIE, vitamin D, and DNA- damage daily doses via a neural network (NN) model. The NN was trained with collocated weighted Brewer spectra and uncertainty in the NILU-derived UV effective doses was 7.5 %. TEMIS UV products were found to be ~ 12.5 % higher than the NILU estimates. The results improve for cloud-free days with differences of 0.57 % for CIE, 1.22 % for vitamin D, and 1.18 % for DNA damage, with standard deviations of ~ 11–13 %.
Final-revised paper