Articles | Volume 20, issue 22
Research article
28 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 28 Nov 2020

Amplification of South Asian haze by water vapour–aerosol interactions

Vijayakumar Sivadasan Nair, Filippo Giorgi, and Usha Keshav Hasyagar

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Mixing state of refractory black carbon aerosol in the South Asian outflow over the northern Indian Ocean during winter
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Cloud condensation nuclei properties of South Asian outflow over the northern Indian Ocean during winter
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Ali, K., Acharja, P., Trivedi, D. K., Kulkarni, R., Pithani, P., Safai, P. D., Chate, D. M., Ghude, S., Jenamani, R. K., and Rajeevan, M.: Characterization and source identification of PM 2.5 and its chemical and carbonaceous constituents during Winter Fog Experiment 2015–16 at Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, Sci. Total Environ., 662, 687–696,, 2019. 
Aswini, A. R., Hegde, P., Nair, P. R., and Aryasree, S.: Seasonal changes in carbonaceous aerosols over a tropical coastal location in response to meteorological processes, Sci. Total Environ., 656, 1261–1279,, 2019. 
Babu, S. S., Manoj, M. R., Moorthy, K. K., Gogoi, M. M., Nair, V. S., Kompalli, S. K., Satheesh, S. K., Niranjan, K., Ramagopal, K., Bhuyan, P. K. and, Singh, D.: Trends in aerosol optical depth over Indian region: Potential causes and impact indicators, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 118, 11794–11806,, 2013. 
Babu, S. S., Nair, V. S., Gogoi, M. M., and Moorthy, K. K.: Seasonal variation of vertical distribution of aerosol single scattering albedo over Indian sub-continent: RAWEX aircraft observations, Atmos. Environ., 125, 312–323,, 2016. 
Short summary
Air pollution and wintertime fog over South Asia is a major concern due to its significant implications on air quality, visibility and health. Coupled model simulations show that hygroscopic growth of aerosols contributes significantly to the aerosol-induced cooling at the surface. Our analysis demonstrates that the aerosol–moisture interaction is the most significant contributor favouring and strengthening the high-aerosol conditions (poor air quality) prevailing over South Asia during winter.
Final-revised paper