Articles | Volume 24, issue 19
Research article
14 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 14 Oct 2024

Long-term (2010–2021) lidar observations of stratospheric aerosols in Wuhan, China

Yun He, Dongzhe Jing, Zhenping Yin, Kevin Ohneiser, and Fan Yi

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Stratosphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Ansmann, A., Ohneiser, K., Chudnovsky, A., Baars, H., and Engelmann, R.: CALIPSO aerosol-typing scheme misclassified stratospheric fire smoke: case study from the 2019 Siberian wildfire season, Front. Environ. Sci., 9, 769852, 2021. 
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Short summary
We present a long-term ground-based lidar observation of stratospheric aerosols at a mid-latitude site, Wuhan, in central China, from 2010 to 2021. We observed a stratospheric background period from 2013 to mid-2017, along with several perturbations from volcanic aerosols and wildfire-induced smoke. In summer, injected stratospheric aerosols are found to be captured by the Asian monsoon anticyclone, resulting in prolonged residence and regional transport in the mid-latitudes of East Asia.
Final-revised paper