Articles | Volume 19, issue 22
Research article
18 Nov 2019
Research article |  | 18 Nov 2019

Using wavelet transform to analyse on-road mobile measurements of air pollutants: a case study to evaluate vehicle emission control policies during the 2014 APEC summit

Yingruo Li, Ziqiang Tan, Chunxiang Ye, Junxia Wang, Yanwen Wang, Yi Zhu, Pengfei Liang, Xi Chen, Yanhua Fang, Yiqun Han, Qi Wang, Di He, Yao Wang, and Tong Zhu

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Short summary
Vehicle emissions are a major source of Beijing's pollution. Various vehicle emission control policies have been implemented at great cost, but there is a lack of appropriate methods to evaluate the effectiveness of such policies. Here we developed a new method to evaluate the effectiveness of vehicle emission control policies during APEC. Our findings are instructive for air pollution control policy making.
Final-revised paper