Articles | Volume 18, issue 18
Research article
27 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2018

Surface roughness during depositional growth and sublimation of ice crystals

Jens Voigtländer, Cedric Chou, Henner Bieligk, Tina Clauss, Susan Hartmann, Paul Herenz, Dennis Niedermeier, Georg Ritter, Frank Stratmann, and Zbigniew Ulanowski

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CAMP: an instrumented platform for balloon-borne aerosol particle studies in the lower atmosphere
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Subject: Clouds and Precipitation | Research Activity: Laboratory Studies | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Surface roughness of ice crystals has recently been acknowledged to strongly influence the radiative properties of cold clouds such as cirrus, but it is unclear how this roughness arises. The study investigates the origins of ice surface roughness under a variety of atmospherically relevant conditions, using a novel method to measure roughness quantitatively. It is found that faster growth leads to stronger roughness. Roughness also increases following repeated growth–sublimation cycles.
Final-revised paper