Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Research article
09 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 09 Jun 2015

Meridionally tilted ice cloud structures in the tropical upper troposphere as seen by CloudSat

J. Gong, D. L. Wu, and V. Limpasuvan

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Subject: Clouds and Precipitation | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Upper-tropospheric ice clouds (anvil and cirrus cloud ouflows extending from deep convection) have small-scale (~1km horizontal) structures that are organized and systematically tilt poleward in the tropics, as revealed by CloudSat ice water path (IWP) and Aura MLS Radiance (TB) measurements. These tilted cloud structures cover regions over hundreds of kilometers, contributing up to 20% of IWP uncertainty if not accounted for in remote sensing from space.
Final-revised paper