Articles | Volume 19, issue 4
Research article
20 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 20 Feb 2019

Aliphatic carbonyl compounds (C8–C26) in wintertime atmospheric aerosol in London, UK

Ruihe Lyu, Mohammed S. Alam, Christopher Stark, Ruixin Xu, Zongbo Shi, Yinchang Feng, and Roy M. Harrison

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Insight into the composition of organic compounds ( ≥  C6) in PM2.5 in wintertime in Beijing, China
Ruihe Lyu, Zongbo Shi, Mohammed Salim Alam, Xuefang Wu, Di Liu, Tuan V. Vu, Christopher Stark, Pingqing Fu, Yinchang Feng, and Roy M. Harrison
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10865–10881,,, 2019
Short summary

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 3425–3444,,, 2025
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Non-biogenic sources are an important but overlooked contributor to aerosol isoprene-derived organosulfates during winter in northern China
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The critical role of aqueous-phase processes in aromatic-derived nitrogen-containing organic aerosol formation in cities with different energy consumption patterns
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Alam, M. S., Zeraati-Rezaei, S., Stark, C. P., Liang, Z., Xu, H., and Harrison, R. M.: The characterisation of diesel exhaust particles – composition, size distribution and partitioning, Faraday. Discuss., 189, 69–84,, 2016b. 
Alam, M. S., Zeraati-Rezaei, S., Liang, Z., Stark, C., Xu, H., MacKenzie, A. R., and Harrison, R. M.: Mapping and quantifying isomer sets of hydrocarbons (C12) in diesel exhaust, lubricating oil and diesel fuel samples using GC × GC-ToF-MS, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 3047–3058,, 2018. 
Algrim, L. B. and Ziemann, P. J.: Effect of the Keto Group on yields and composition of organic aerosol formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of ketones in the presence of NOx, J. Phys. Chem. A., 120, 6978–6989,, 2016. 
Short summary
Organic matter comprises a substantial proportion of the mass of toxic airborne particles which cause poor health and premature death. In this paper, new measurements of three important groups of organic compounds are reported and are analysed to infer their sources and their contributions to airborne particle concentrations.
Final-revised paper