Articles | Volume 13, issue 13
Research article
01 Jul 2013
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2013

Effect of land cover on atmospheric processes and air quality over the continental United States – a NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF) model study

Z. Tao, J. A. Santanello, M. Chin, S. Zhou, Q. Tan, E. M. Kemp, and C. D. Peters-Lidard

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A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: a model study
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Comparison of chemical lateral boundary conditions for air quality predictions over the contiguous United States during pollutant intrusion events
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Why do models perform differently on particulate matter over East Asia? A multi-model intercomparison study for MICS-Asia III
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The long-term trend and production sensitivity change in the US ozone pollution from observations and model simulations
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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
The atmospheric oxidizing capacity in China – Part 2: Sensitivity to emissions of primary pollutants
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 12943–12962,,, 2024
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Role of chemical production and depositional losses on formaldehyde in the Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM)
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Review of source analyses of ambient volatile organic compounds considering reactive losses: methods of reducing loss effects, impacts of losses, and sources
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An investigation into atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) processes in South Korea
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Final-revised paper