Articles | Volume 21, issue 14
Research article
20 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 20 Jul 2021

Experimental investigation of the stable water isotope distribution in an Alpine lake environment (L-WAIVE)

Patrick Chazette, Cyrille Flamant, Harald Sodemann, Julien Totems, Anne Monod, Elsa Dieudonné, Alexandre Baron, Andrew Seidl, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Pascal Doira, Amandine Durand, and Sylvain Ravier

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Long-term evolution of the calibration constant on a mobile/field campaign water vapour Raman lidar
Patrick Chazette, Julien Totems, and Frédéric Laly
EGUsphere,,, 2025
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Vertical and horizontal variability and representativeness of the water vapor isotope composition in the lower troposphere: insight from Ultralight Aircraft flights in southern France during summer 2021
Daniele Zannoni, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Harald Sodemann, Iris Thurnherr, Cyrille Flamant, Patrick Chazette, Julien Totems, Martin Werner, and Myriam Raybaut
EGUsphere,,, 2025
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Water vapor Raman lidar observations from multiple sites in the framework of WaLiNeAs
Frédéric Laly, Patrick Chazette, Julien Totems, Jérémy Lagarrigue, Laurent Forges, and Cyrille Flamant
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 5579–5602,,, 2024
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Assessment of carbon mass in a Mediterranean downy oak ecosystem using airborne lidar and NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) data
Maëlie Chazette, Patrick Chazette, Ilja M. Reiter, Xiaoxia Shang, Julien Totems, Jean-Philippe Orts, Irène Xueref-Remy, and Nicolas Montes
Biogeosciences, 21, 3289–3303,,, 2024
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Raman lidar-derived optical and microphysical properties of ice crystals within thin Arctic clouds during PARCS campaign
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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 5847–5861,,, 2023
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Related subject area

Subject: Isotopes | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
Vehicle-based in situ observations of the water vapor isotopic composition across China: spatial and seasonal distributions and controls
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 3409–3433,,, 2023
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Using carbon-14 and carbon-13 measurements for source attribution of atmospheric methane in the Athabasca oil sands region
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2121–2133,,, 2022
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Craig–Gordon model validation using stable isotope ratios in water vapor over the Southern Ocean
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Moisture origin as a driver of temporal variabilities of the water vapour isotopic composition in the Lena River Delta, Siberia
Jean-Louis Bonne, Hanno Meyer, Melanie Behrens, Julia Boike, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Benjamin Rabe, Toni Schmidt, Lutz Schönicke, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, and Martin Werner
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 10493–10511,,, 2020
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Meridional and vertical variations of the water vapour isotopic composition in the marine boundary layer over the Atlantic and Southern Ocean
Iris Thurnherr, Anna Kozachek, Pascal Graf, Yongbiao Weng, Dimitri Bolshiyanov, Sebastian Landwehr, Stephan Pfahl, Julia Schmale, Harald Sodemann, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, Alessandro Toffoli, Heini Wernli, and Franziska Aemisegger
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 5811–5835,,, 2020
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Cited articles

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Short summary
To gain understanding on the vertical structure of atmospheric water vapour above mountain lakes and to assess its link to the isotopic composition of the lake water and small-scale dynamics, the L-WAIVE field campaign was conducted in the Annecy valley in the French Alps in June 2019. Based on a synergy between ground-based, boat-borne, and airborne measuring platforms, significant gradients of isotopic content have been revealed at the transitions to the lake and to the free troposphere.
Final-revised paper