Articles | Volume 17, issue 24
Research article
19 Dec 2017
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2017

Cyclone-induced surface ozone and HDO depletion in the Arctic

Xiaoyi Zhao, Dan Weaver, Kristof Bognar, Gloria Manney, Luis Millán, Xin Yang, Edwin Eloranta, Matthias Schneider, and Kimberly Strong

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Few scientific questions about surface ozone depletion have been addressed, using a variety of measurements and atmospheric models. The lifetime of reactive bromine is only a few hours in the absence of recycling. Evidence of this recycling over aerosol or blowing-snow/ice particles was found at Eureka. The blowing snow sublimation process is a key step in producing bromine-enriched sea-salt aerosol. Ground-based FTIR isotopologue measurements at Eureka provided evidence of this key step.
Final-revised paper