Articles | Volume 14, issue 17
Research article
08 Sep 2014
Research article |  | 08 Sep 2014

Comparison of the predictions of two road dust emission models with the measurements of a mobile van

M. Kauhaniemi, A. Stojiljkovic, L. Pirjola, A. Karppinen, J. Härkönen, K. Kupiainen, L. Kangas, M. A. Aarnio, G. Omstedt, B. R. Denby, and J. Kukkonen

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The contribution of residential wood combustion to the PM2.5 concentrations in the Helsinki metropolitan area
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 1489–1507,,, 2024
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The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities
Jaakko Kukkonen, Susana López-Aparicio, David Segersson, Camilla Geels, Leena Kangas, Mari Kauhaniemi, Androniki Maragkidou, Anne Jensen, Timo Assmuth, Ari Karppinen, Mikhail Sofiev, Heidi Hellén, Kari Riikonen, Juha Nikmo, Anu Kousa, Jarkko V. Niemi, Niko Karvosenoja, Gabriela Sousa Santos, Ingrid Sundvor, Ulas Im, Jesper H. Christensen, Ole-Kenneth Nielsen, Marlene S. Plejdrup, Jacob Klenø Nøjgaard, Gunnar Omstedt, Camilla Andersson, Bertil Forsberg, and Jørgen Brandt
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The impact of measures to reduce ambient air PM10 concentrations originating from road dust, evaluated for a street canyon in Helsinki
Ana Stojiljkovic, Mari Kauhaniemi, Jaakko Kukkonen, Kaarle Kupiainen, Ari Karppinen, Bruce Rolstad Denby, Anu Kousa, Jarkko V. Niemi, and Matthias Ketzel
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 11199–11212,,, 2019
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Modelling of the urban concentrations of PM2.5 on a high resolution for a period of 35 years, for the assessment of lifetime exposure and health effects
Jaakko Kukkonen, Leena Kangas, Mari Kauhaniemi, Mikhail Sofiev, Mia Aarnio, Jouni J. K. Jaakkola, Anu Kousa, and Ari Karppinen
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 8041–8064,,, 2018
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Refinement of a model for evaluating the population exposure in an urban area
J. Soares, A. Kousa, J. Kukkonen, L. Matilainen, L. Kangas, M. Kauhaniemi, K. Riikonen, J.-P. Jalkanen, T. Rasila, O. Hänninen, T. Koskentalo, M. Aarnio, C. Hendriks, and A. Karppinen
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 1855–1872,,, 2014

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
A global dust emission dataset for estimating dust radiative forcings in climate models
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 25, 2311–2331,,, 2025
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Tropospheric aerosols over the western North Atlantic Ocean during the winter and summer deployments of ACTIVATE 2020: life cycle, transport, and distribution
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Cited articles

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Denby, B. R. and Sundvor, I. (in collaboration with: Johansson, C., Kauhaniemi, M., Härkönen, J., Kukkonen, J., Karppinen, A., Kangas, L., Omstedt, G., Ketzel, M., Pirjola, L., Norman, M., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist, G., Bennet, C., Kupiainen, K., and Karvosenoja, N.): NORTRIP model development and documentation: NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emission modelling, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU OR 23/2012, available at: (last access: 3 January 2013), 2012.
Final-revised paper