Articles | Volume 16, issue 21
Research article
04 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 04 Nov 2016

Evaluation of cloud effects on air temperature estimation using MODIS LST based on ground measurements over the Tibetan Plateau

Hongbo Zhang, Fan Zhang, Guoqing Zhang, Xiaobo He, and Lide Tian

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AsiaFlux: Qinghai Flux Research Site, available at:, last access: June 2016.
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Chinese Meteorology Administration: China daily ground climate dataset, available at:, last access: April 2014.
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Based on MODIS LST, clouds are believed to affect Tair estimation; however, understanding of the cloud effect on the Tair–LST relationship remains limited. Our paper reveals the subtle influence of clouds that affects Tmin and Tmax estimation in clearly different ways. The results contribute to better understanding of cloud effects and more accurate estimation of Tair using satellite LST.
Final-revised paper