Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
21 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 21 Feb 2017

Impacts of the July 2012 Siberian fire plume on air quality in the Pacific Northwest

Andrew D. Teakles, Rita So, Bruce Ainslie, Robert Nissen, Corinne Schiller, Roxanne Vingarzan, Ian McKendry, Anne Marie Macdonald, Daniel A. Jaffe, Allan K. Bertram, Kevin B. Strawbridge, W. Richard Leaitch, Sarah Hanna, Desiree Toom, Jonathan Baik, and Lin Huang

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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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The water-insoluble organic carbon in PM2.5 of typical Chinese urban areas: light-absorbing properties, potential sources, radiative forcing effects, and a possible light-absorbing continuum
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Akagi, S. K., Yokelson, R. J., Burling, I. R., Meinardi, S., Simpson, I., Blake, D. R., McMeeking, G. R., Sullivan, A., Lee, T., Kreidenweis, S., Urbanski, S., Reardon, J., Griffith, D. W. T., Johnson, T. J., and Weise, D. R.: Measurements of reactive trace gases and variable O3 formation rates in some South Carolina biomass burning plumes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 1141–1165,, 2013.
Bart, M., Williams, D. E., Ainslie, B., McKendry, I., Salmond, J., Grange, S. K., Alavi-Shoshtari, M., Steyn, D., and Henshaw, G. S.: High density ozone monitoring using gas sensitive semi-conductor sensors in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 3970–3977, 2014.
BCMoE (British Columbia Ministry of Environment): BC air quality – network description, available at: (last access: 19 June 2015), 2014a.
Short summary
We present a case study of an intense wildfire smoke plume from Siberia that affected the air quality across the Pacific Northwest on 6–10 July 2012. The transport, entrainment, and chemical composition of the plume are examined to characterize the event. Ambient O3 and PM2.5 from surface monitoring is contrast to modelled baseline air quality estimates to show the overall contribution of the plume to exceedances in O3 and PM2.5 air quality standards and objectives that occurred.
Final-revised paper