Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Research article
11 Apr 2014
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2014

Ice particle habit and surface roughness derived from PARASOL polarization measurements

B. H. Cole, P. Yang, B. A. Baum, J. Riedi, and L. C.-Labonnote

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Liquid cloud optical property retrieval and associated uncertainties using multi-angular and bispectral measurements of the airborne radiometer OSIRIS
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Establishment of an analytical model for remote sensing of typical stratocumulus cloud profiles under various precipitation and entrainment conditions
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Assessing the benefits of Imaging Infrared Radiometer observations for the CALIOP version 4 cloud and aerosol discrimination algorithm
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Subject: Clouds and Precipitation | Research Activity: Remote Sensing | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Technical note: Retrieval of the supercooled liquid fraction in mixed-phase clouds from Himawari-8 observations
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Characterisation of low-base and mid-base clouds and their thermodynamic phase over the Southern Ocean and Arctic marine regions
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A survey of radiative and physical properties of North Atlantic mesoscale cloud morphologies from multiple identification methodologies
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Extensive coverage of ultrathin tropical tropopause layer cirrus clouds revealed by balloon-borne lidar observations
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Cited articles

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Baran, A. J.: From the single-scattering properties of ice crystals to climate prediction: a way forward, Atmos. Res., 112, 45–69, 2012.
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Baran, A. J. and C.-Labonnote, L.: A self-consistent scattering model for cirrus, I: The solar region, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 133, 1899–1912, 2007.
Baran, A. J., Connolly, P. J., Heymsfield, A. J., and Bansemer, A.: Using in situ estimates of ice water content, volume extinction coefficient, and the total solar optical depth obtained during the tropical ACTIVE campaign to test an ensemble model of cirrus ice crystals, Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 137, 199–218, 2011.
Final-revised paper