Articles | Volume 17, issue 6
Research article
21 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 21 Mar 2017

Lower tropospheric distributions of O3 and aerosol over Raoyang, a rural site in the North China Plain

Rui Wang, Xiaobin Xu, Shihui Jia, Ruisheng Ma, Liang Ran, Zhaoze Deng, Weili Lin, Ying Wang, and Zhiqiang Ma

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Short summary
Knowledge about the vertical distributions of air pollutants is limited. We present first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) observations of vertical profiles of O3 and size-resolved aerosol number concentrations over a rural site in the North China Plain. We show the determination of mixed and residual layer depth and characterization of diurnal O3 and aerosol number concentrations in the mixed and residual layer. We confirm a rapid increase of O3 in the lower troposphere during the recent decade.
Final-revised paper