Articles | Volume 24, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2024

Atmospheric NH3 in urban Beijing: long-term variations and implications for secondary inorganic aerosol control

Ziru Lan, Xiaoyi Zhang, Weili Lin, Xiaobin Xu, Zhiqiang Ma, Jun Jin, Lingyan Wu, and Yangmei Zhang

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Short summary
Our study examined the long-term trends of atmospheric ammonia in urban Beijing from 2009 to 2020. We found that the trends did not match satellite data or emission estimates, revealing complexities in ammonia sources. While seasonal variations in ammonia were temperature-dependent, daily variations were correlated with water vapor. We also found an increasing contribution of ammonia reduction, emphasizing its importance in mitigating the effects of fine particulate matter in Beijing.
Final-revised paper