Articles | Volume 23, issue 11
Research article
12 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 12 Jun 2023

Aerosol–cloud–radiation interaction during Saharan dust episodes: the dusty cirrus puzzle

Axel Seifert, Vanessa Bachmann, Florian Filipitsch, Jochen Förstner, Christian M. Grams, Gholam Ali Hoshyaripour, Julian Quinting, Anika Rohde, Heike Vogel, Annette Wagner, and Bernhard Vogel

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Subject: Clouds and Precipitation | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Physics (physical properties and processes)
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Bunn, P. T. W., Holmgren, W. F., Leuthold, M., and Castro, C. L.: Using GEOS-5 forecast products to represent aerosol optical depth in operational day-ahead solar irradiance forecasts for the southwest United States, J. Renew. Sustain. Ener., 12, 053702,, 2020. a
Caffrey, P. F., Fromm, M. D., and Kablick III, G. P.: WRF-Chem simulation of an East Asian dust-infused baroclinic storm (DIBS), J. Geophys. Res., 123, 6880–6895,, 2018. a
Short summary
We investigate how mineral dust can lead to the formation of cirrus clouds. Dusty cirrus clouds lead to a reduction in solar radiation at the surface and, hence, a reduced photovoltaic power generation. Current weather prediction systems are not able to predict this interaction between mineral dust and cirrus clouds. We have developed a new physical description of the formation of dusty cirrus clouds. Overall we can show a considerable improvement in the forecast quality of clouds and radiation.
Final-revised paper