Articles | Volume 20, issue 13
Research article
09 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 09 Jul 2020

Sea spray aerosol organic enrichment, water uptake and surface tension effects

Luke T. Cravigan, Marc D. Mallet, Petri Vaattovaara, Mike J. Harvey, Cliff S. Law, Robin L. Modini, Lynn M. Russell, Ed Stelcer, David D. Cohen, Greg Olsen, Karl Safi, Timothy J. Burrell, and Zoran Ristovski

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Overview and preliminary results of the Surface Ocean Aerosol Production (SOAP) campaign
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Subject: Aerosols | Research Activity: Field Measurements | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Short summary
Aerosol–cloud interactions in remote marine environments are poorly represented in atmospheric modelling, particularly over the Southern Hemisphere. This work reports in situ chamber observations of sea spray aerosol composition and water uptake during the Surface Ocean Aerosol Production (SOAP) voyage. Observations were compared with currently applied models for sea spray organic enrichment. The sea spray hygroscopicity was persistently high, even at high organic fractions.
Final-revised paper