Articles | Volume 22, issue 18
Measurement report
21 Sep 2022
Measurement report |  | 21 Sep 2022

Measurement report: Plume heights of the April 2021 La Soufrière eruptions from GOES-17 side views and GOES-16–MODIS stereo views

Ákos Horváth, James L. Carr, Dong L. Wu, Julia Bruckert, Gholam Ali Hoshyaripour, and Stefan A. Buehler

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Geometric estimation of volcanic eruption column height from GOES-R near-limb imagery – Part 1: Methodology
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Cited articles

Babu, S. R., Nguyen, L. S. P., Sheu, G.-R., Griffith, S. M., Pani, S. K., Huang, H.-Y., and Lin, N.-H.: Long-range transport of La Soufrière volcanic plume to the western North Pacific: Influence on atmospheric mercury and aerosol properties, Atmos. Environ., 268, 118806,, 2022. 
Barr, S. and Heffter, J. L.: Meteorological analysis of the eruption of Soufriere in April 1979, Science, 216, 1109–1111,, 1982. 
Carr, J. L., Wu, D. L., Wolfe, R. E., Madani, H., Lin, G. G., and Tan, B.: Joint 3D-wind retrievals with stereoscopic views from MODIS and GOES, Remote Sens., 11, 2100,, 2019. 
Carr, J. L., Wu, D. L., Daniels, J., Friberg, M. D., Bresky, W., and Madani, H.: GEO–GEO stereo-tracking of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) from the geostationary ring, Remote Sens., 12, 3779,, 2020. 
Carr, J. L., Horváth, Á., Wu, D. L., and Friberg, M. D.: Stereo plume height and motion retrievals for the record-setting Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption of 15 January 2022, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL098131,, 2022. 
Short summary
We estimate plume heights for the April 2021 La Soufrière daytime eruptions using GOES-17 near-limb side views and GOES-16–MODIS stereo views. These geometric heights are then compared with brightness-temperature-based radiometric height estimates to characterize the biases of the latter. We also show that the side view method can be applied to infrared imagery and thus nighttime eruptions, albeit with larger uncertainty.
Final-revised paper