Articles | Volume 18, issue 13
Research article
13 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 13 Jul 2018

Estimates of exceedances of critical loads for acidifying deposition in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Paul A. Makar, Ayodeji Akingunola, Julian Aherne, Amanda S. Cole, Yayne-abeba Aklilu, Junhua Zhang, Isaac Wong, Katherine Hayden, Shao-Meng Li, Jane Kirk, Ken Scott, Michael D. Moran, Alain Robichaud, Hazel Cathcart, Pegah Baratzedah, Balbir Pabla, Philip Cheung, Qiong Zheng, and Dean S. Jeffries

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Subject: Gases | Research Activity: Atmospheric Modelling and Data Analysis | Altitude Range: Troposphere | Science Focus: Chemistry (chemical composition and reactions)
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Cited articles

AAF: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Climate Information Service (ACIS),, last access: May 2017.
AAFC: Soil Landscapes of Canada version 3.2., Soil Landscapes of Canada Working Group, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (digital map and database at 1 : 1 million scale), available at: (last access: 25 August 2017), 2010.
ABMI: Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Wall-to-wall land cover map version 2.1 (ABMIw2wLCV2010v1.0), available at: (last access: 25 August 2017), 2010.
Aherne, J.: Uncertainty in critical load exceedance (UNCLE): critical loads uncertainty and risk analysis for Canadian forest ecosystems, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, report PN XXXX, 22 pp., 2011.
Aherne, J. and Posch, M.: Impacts of nitrogen and sulphur deposition on forest ecosystem services in Canada, Curr. Opin. Env. Sust., 5, 108–115, 2013.
Short summary
Complex computer model output was compared to and fused with observation data, to estimate potential damage due to acidifying precipitation for ecosystems in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Estimated deposition was compared to the maximum no-damage ecosystem capacity for sulfur and/or nitrogen uptake; these critical loads were exceeded, for areas between 10 000 and 330 000 square kilometres, depending on ecosystem type: ecosystem damage will occur at 2013 emission levels.
Final-revised paper