Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Research article
08 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 08 Feb 2016

Oil and gas impacts on air quality in federal lands in the Bakken region: an overview of the Bakken Air Quality Study and first results

A. J. Prenni, D. E. Day, A. R. Evanoski-Cole, B. C. Sive, A. Hecobian, Y. Zhou, K. A. Gebhart, J. L. Hand, A. P. Sullivan, Y. Li, M. I. Schurman, Y. Desyaterik, W. C. Malm, J. L. Collett Jr., and B. A. Schichtel

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Short summary
The Bakken formation contains billions of barrels of oil and gas trapped in rock and shale. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing methods have allowed for extraction of these resources, leading to exponential growth of oil production in the region. Along with this development has come an increase in associated emissions to the atmosphere. This paper describes a field study (BAQS) aimed at better understanding the impacts of these emissions on air quality in nearby federal lands.
Final-revised paper