Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
16 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 16 Jun 2015

Estimating NH3 emissions from agricultural fertilizer application in China using the bi-directional CMAQ model coupled to an agro-ecosystem model

X. Fu, S. X. Wang, L. M. Ran, J. E. Pleim, E. Cooter, J. O. Bash, V. Benson, and J. M. Hao

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Short summary
In this study, we estimate, for the first time, the NH3 emission from the agricultural fertilizer application in China online using the bi-directional CMAQ model coupled to an agro-ecosystem model. Compared with previous researches, this method considers more influencing factors, such as meteorological fields, soil and the fertilizer application, and provides improved NH3 emission with higher spatial and temporal resolution.
Final-revised paper