Articles | Volume 25, issue 5
Research article
06 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 06 Mar 2025

Country- and species-dependent parameters for the heating degree day method to distribute NOx and PM emissions from residential heating in the EU 27: application to air quality modelling and multi-year emission projections

Antoine Guion, Florian Couvidat, Marc Guevara, and Augustin Colette

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Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service – Regional Air Quality Production System v1.0
Augustin Colette, Gaëlle Collin, François Besson, Etienne Blot, Vincent Guidard, Frederik Meleux, Adrien Royer, Valentin Petiot, Claire Miller, Oihana Fermond, Alizé Jeant, Mario Adani, Joaquim Arteta, Anna Benedictow, Robert Bergström, Dene Bowdalo, Jorgen Brandt, Gino Briganti, Ana C. Carvalho, Jesper Heile Christensen, Florian Couvidat, Ilia D’Elia, Massimo D’Isidoro, Hugo Denier van der Gon, Gaël Descombes, Enza Di Tomaso, John Douros, Jeronimo Escribano, Henk Eskes, Hilde Fagerli, Yalda Fatahi, Johannes Flemming, Elmar Friese, Lise Frohn, Michael Gauss, Camilla Geels, Guido Guarnieri, Marc Guevara, Antoine Guion, Jonathan Guth, Risto Hänninen, Kaj Hansen, Ulas Im, Ruud Janssen, Marine Jeoffrion, Mathieu Joly, Luke Jones, Oriol Jorba, Evgeni Kadantsev, Michael Kahnert, Jacek W. Kaminski, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Richard Kranenburg, Jeroen Kuenen, Anne Caroline Lange, Joachim Langner, Victor Lannuque, Francesca Macchia, Astrid Manders, Mihaela Mircea, Agnes Nyiri, Miriam Olid, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Yuliia Palamarchuk, Antonio Piersanti, Blandine Raux, Miha Razinger, Lennard Robertson, Arjo Segers, Martijn Schaap, Pilvi Siljamo, David Simpson, Mikhail Sofiev, Anders Stangel, Joanna Struzewska, Carles Tena, Renske Timmermans, Thanos Tsikerdekis, Svetlana Tsyro, Svyatoslav Tyuryakov, Anthony Ung, Andreas Uppstu, Alvaro Valdebenito, Peter van Velthoven, Lina Vitali, Zhuyun Ye, Vincent-Henri Peuch, and Laurence Rouïl
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The residential sector can cause high background levels of pollutants and pollution peaks in winter. Its emissions are dominated by space heating and show strong daily variations linked to changes in outside temperature. Using heating degree days, we provide country- and species-dependent parameters for the distribution of these emissions, improving the performance of the CHIMERE air quality model. This also allows  annual residential emissions to be projected before official publications.
Final-revised paper